Import/Export text layers https://alastri.atlassian.net/browse/PS-1430 https://alastri.atlassian.net/browse/PS-1440
Users can now import and export layers containing text to and from ArchD and DXF file formats.
The text will appear as a separate layer in the Layer Control panel.
Visibility of different block boundary lines https://alastri.atlassian.net/browse/PS-1488
It is now easier for users to distinguish between dig block boundary lines, grade control block boundary lines and blast boundary lines.
The “Display” menu in the “Animation” tab now has options to turn Silhouettes for blasts and grade control on and off.
Import MineSight MSR Format https://alastri.atlassian.net/browse/PS-1483
It is now possible to import “.msr” files.
Polylines and
Stockpile “Force Mode” property https://alastri.atlassian.net/browse/PS-1582 https://alastri.atlassian.net/browse/PS-1583
Users can now set the “Force Mode” property of a stockpile per period in the “Calendar” tab.
This can also be done per mutex set.
New Logo https://alastri.atlassian.net/browse/PW-293
As part of its new branding, all Alastri logos have been updated to a sleek, newslick, modern design.
Spatial Conformetrics 20.5
New Logo https://alastri.atlassian.net/browse/PW-293
As part of its new branding, all Alastri logos have been updated to a sleek, newslick, modern design.
Plan Legend can now be added to Exported Word Document
New Logo https://alastri.atlassian.net/browse/PW-293
As part of its new branding, all Alastri logos have been updated to a sleek, newslick, modern design.
Haul Infinity 20.5
New Logo https://alastri.atlassian.net/browse/PW-293
As part of its new branding, all Alastri logos have been updated to a sleek, newslick, modern design.
Additional columns added to CSV exports https://alastri.atlassian.net/browse/HI-590
New fields are present in “Cycle Times” and “Schedule Audit” CSV exports to specify Volume, Truck Hours and Loader Hours.