Within APS, it is now possible to model wall-related activities. These wall activities occur on wall panels which are required to be generated through RR. Inside the Phase Details step, this functionality can be enabled and configured. More information regarding Wall Activities can be found here /wiki/spaces/212AD/pages/30938661 .
Temporary Ramps
New property Temp Ramp Bearing is available on all dig blocks. Setting an azimuth value will cause the block to be split in to two blocks, “upper” and “lower” in the azimuth direction. Changes made to this field will be displayed in Production Scheduler/Tactical Scheduler Viewports.
functionality has been introduced to allow for better visualization of situations where a temporary drop-in ramp is used. Inside Rapid Reserver, the dig solid located inside a blast which is scheduled to be the temporary drop in location can be set up to have an azimuth. The solid will then be sliced diagonally in the specified azimuth direction which can be set in the Settings table of the dig solid. To help set the right azimuth value, an arrow will appear on the block reflecting the current azimuth value. To remove the azimuth value, the red cross icon next to the value can be clicked.
Once brought into APS or ATS, the dig solids will appear sliced. The upper solid will have the suffix “Upper” and the lower solid have the suffix “Lower”. These dig solids can then be scheduled like any other solid within the software.
New Silhouette Option on Phase Details