Bulk export layers
Reporting - Copy Report Image
It is now possible to copy an image of a report in both Alastri Production Scheduler and Alastri Tactical Scheduler.
Copy Pivot Report image
Copy Chrono Table image
A new Tooltips button has been added to the Calendar (APS) and Chrono Report (APS and ATS) which displays a list of useful shortcuts.
Usage Hints on Chrono
Reporting - Copy Chrono Image
It is now possible to copy an image from a Chrono chart in both Alastri Production Scheduler and Alastri Tactical Scheduler.
Chrono Copy Image
Reporting - Horizontal Chrono
It is now possible to rotate Chrono charts in both Alastri Production Scheduler and Alastri Tactical Scheduler so that they show horizontally.
Export Period Solids
Export Period Polygons
Animation - Export Stage Plans
A new field has been added to allow the user to specify which file type the exported stage plans should be, in both Alastri Production Scheduler and Alastri Tactical Scheduler.
Period Plots
It is now possible to import and export period plot templates in both Alastri Production Scheduler and Alastri Tactical Scheduler.
Settings and Most Recently Used projects now persist between versions.
Batch Save Viewpoint Videos
It is now possible to copy an image of a report.
Copy Pivot Report image
Copy Chrono Table image
A new Tooltips button has been added to the Calendar and Chrono Report which displays a list of useful shortcuts.
Usage Hints on Chrono
Reporting - Copy Chrono Image
It is now possible to copy an image from a Chrono chart.
Chrono Copy Image
Gantt - Force Destinations
When a forced destination is applied, that destination will be preferred. If the forced destination is not available for any reason, then the schedule will fall back to the ordinary destination logic.
Items in the Gantt for forced destination will now appear with success or fail hatchings.
Enable Screen Shake option
Period Plots
It is now possible to import and export period plot templates.
Animation - Export Stage Plans
Animation - Point Solid Depletion Bearing
A new field has been added to Point Solids setup task, which sets a bearing for which direction a point solid should be filled/emptied.