Fixed an issue where “Find and Replace” was taking too long for Chrono “Chrono” reports.
Fixed an issue where Priority Incentive “Priority Incentive” dialog was taking too long to appear in some cases.
Schedule Control enhancements
Period number will appear on any conflicting constraints message that appears on the Schedule Control“Schedule Control”.
It is now possible to pop out any messages from Schedule Control “Schedule Control” into a separate window that will remain open.
It’s now possible to toggle all nodes on the Display “Display” panel.
Chrono “Chrono” report now reports actual capacity instead of infinity, for Calendar value Waste “Waste Dump CapacityCapacity”.
All records of “Record Subset” in “Destination Logic” setup task are now being displayed instead of subset name.
Min/Max rows have been added that format the actual based on these for any grade targets.
Improved the way options on the “Generate Stage Plan” drop-down are organised on the “Schedule Sequence” setup task..
Rapid Reserver 21.1.x
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where undo/redo was not working as expected at the flitch level in some cases.
Fixed an issue where filters on Reserves “Reserves” panel on the “Block Model” setup task or the Designer setup task were not being applied on an exported file from that panel.
Fixed an issue where Truck Speed “Truck Speed” was incorrectly calculated in certain cases.
Now when import importing waypoints , they will snap to closest point on the network, within a tolerance.
Imported nodes snap to points if they are within 5cm
Imported For imported segments from csv/dxf, segment points snap to waypoint/stockpile if they are within 5cm
It is now possible to drape points/nodes onto triangulations.