Data Source | Item |
Duration | Minutes, Hours, Days, and Weeks duration of each report column. |
Calendar | Calendar fields. |
NonSpatialGuidance | Non-Spatial Guidance fields. |
Calculated | Custom calculation. |
CustomLists | Custom list of items. |
Agents | Agent time and rate fields. |
StockpileStates | Stockpile States. |
ProductionDrilling | Drilling fields. |
ProductionCharging | Charging fields. |
Mining | Mining fields. |
Opening.Stockpiles / Closing.Stockpiles | Opening and closing stockpile inventory. |
Opening.Pits.<Activity> / Closing.Pits.<Activity> | Opening and closing <Activity> inventory (such as tonnes remaining in bench). |
Stocks.Opening.<Activity> / Stocks.Closing.<Activity> | Opening and closing <Activity> inventory. |
Digger Tracker
This section details how to make a simple digger utilisation table.
Chrono report formulas | |
V(“field”) | Looks up the row with the name “field” and returns the value. |
V(“field”) * 10 / 3 | Looks up the row with the name “field”, multiples the value by 10, and divides by 3. |
S(“title.*”) | Looks up all children of the row named “title”, and returns the sum. |
CV(“field”) | Returns the cumulative value of the row named “field”. The initial value is set in the “Initial” column of the “field” row. |
SD(1, V(“field”)) | Returns 1 divided by the value in the row named “field”. If the denominator is zero, it returns zero. |
Math.Round(V(“field”)) | Return the row named “field”, rounded to the nearest integer. |
Math.Ceiling(V(“field”)) | Return the row named “field”, rounded up. |
Math.Floor(V(“field”)) | Return the row named “field”, rounded down. |
Math.Log(V(“field”)) | Returns the natural logarithm of the row named “field”. |
V("myValue") > 0 ? 1 : 0 | If "myValue" is greater than zero, return one, otherwise return zero. |
Chrono Table Setup > Formula inputs