Ability to calculate database fields without the need for custom extensions. These can be used in addition to extensions, but it is important to note that Expressions are calculated prior to Extensions.
Feedable Stocks
Ability to calculate the amount of total material that can be processed at the end of each period that meets flow specifications. Similar to Mineable Stocks but must meet product specifications.
Database - Fields - Temporary Fields
Certain errors in mappings caused by changes made in Rapid Reserver were previously ignored. These will now block the user from progressing in the step unless they explicitly choose to ignore these errors.
Scheduling - Non-Spatial Data CSV Importer
Ability to import non-spatial data from a CSV using an in built UI.
Scheduling - Stockpile Opening Values CSV Importer
Ability to import stockpile opening values from a CSV using an in built UI.
Animation - Export Period Solids by Volume