Versions Compared


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  • Formatting was changed.


This step is only visible when scheduling in the Optimise Products mode and hidden if it’s set to Constrain to Truck in the Configuration Options step.



Cash Flows allow the user to specify an incremental Reward or Penalty for each tonne/cubic meter/ounce of material sent to a Destination.

Cash Flows help the user to have better control over the fleet allocation, prioritising more profitable movements.

If two rules satisfy the same condition, then the cash flow is the sum of values in each rule.


The chart above shows an example of the cash flow allocation for prioritising different ex-pit ore movements, namely:



Be careful to only allow one-way passage of material between stockpiles. Do not incentivise the optimiser to engage in non-productive rehandle.

Blend Target


Blend targets allow the user to specify a maximum or minimum ratio of some material sent into a Crusher or Stockpile.

These targets penalise the optimiser for going off-blend. The optimiser balances between positive Cash Flows and negative blend content deviation penalties to match blocks to Destinations.





Specify Min

Limits minimum ratio of the material fed from the Source to the Destination.


Crusher feed will be zero if it cannot satisfy a Minimum blend ratio. Make sure there is material available before setting a minimum feed ratio. 

Specify Max

Limits maximum ratio of the material fed from the Source to the Destination.

  • Minimum and Maximum are hard limits, “Actual” values cannot be outside of these boundaries.

    • If Minimum limit cannot be satisfied, the optimiser returns zero.

    • If Maximum limit is reached, no more material can be sent to the specified destination.

  • Note that when setting ratios for multiple plant components, their “Actual” values must add up to 1.

Specify Target

Specifying target also introduces “Content Deviation Penalty” input row in the Calendar.

The difference between the Actual and the Target blend is subject to this Penalty multiplier specified by the user.

The Penalty is summed with the Cash Flows to determine the reward or cost of blending materials into each Destination.

The higher the deviation penalty, the better the optimizer will try to meet the target, but it may not be achieved due to other cash flows and objectives.

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Show Tram LinesTBC

Displaying additional guidance lines for the optimisation rule in the Calendar.

Used for visual purposes only to change the color of the “Actuals” field, ie if it goes out of range by more than 0.0001 it goes red, less than orange, otherwise it's black.


Numerator and Denominator

Blend ratios are calculated using a Numerator and Denominator, as such the setup requires both to be populated.


Never configure the Denominator in a way that could return a zero. If the ratio returns a "divide by zero", then crusher feed will be zero.


The Destination(s) to which the blend target is applied.

Quantity Field

The field to which the blend target is applied.


As a general rule, the Numerator and Denominator should use the same units (either dry tonnes for the strict ratio, or wet tonnes for the weightometer ratio).


The Source(s) for Numerator and Denominator to which the blend target is applied.

View Database

Use the View Database button to open the Choose Records window, where you can graphically select and review the Sources.
