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In the Solid Import step you can import the , scheduling blocks from Tactical Scheduler or Production Scheduler .


can be imported. The state of these blocks at a defined point of time will be used to generate the stage plan.

Table of Contents

Export from Tactical Scheduler

To import scheduling blocks to Spacial Conformetrics you firstly need to export them from Tactical Scheduler. To do this:



For users of third-party scheduling applications, blocks can be imported directly from a folder or .zip file. Any underscores in the file name will be treated as level name delimiters in the block tree.

Exporting from Tactical Scheduler

  1. Open the relevant Tactical Scheduler project.

  2. Go to Schedule tab > Animation tab.

  3. Press the Export button, located down on the bottom right and select the “Export Blocks for Conformance” option.

  4. Specify a directory for saving path and a file name. Exported The exported file will be saved in “.atsconformance” format.



Exporting from Production Scheduler

To import scheduling blocks to Spacial Conformetrics you firstly need to export them from Production Scheduler. To do this:

  1. Open Production Scheduler appOpen the relevant Production Scheduler project.

  2. Go to Schedule tab > Animation tab.

  3. Press the Exports Export button, located down on the bottom left and select the “Export Blocks for Conformance” option.

  4. Specify a directory for saving path and a file name. Exported The exported file will be saved in “.apsconformance” format.


Enable Generate Stage Plans option

To use scheduling blocks, allowing stage plans generation, this option must be enabled in Settings.

  1. In Spacial Conformetrics go to the Setup tab > Settings step.

  2. In the Options field flag "Generate Stage Plans" option.


It will unlock a new setup task - Stage Plans, including Solid Import, Solid Properties and Schedule Sequence steps.


Import Solids

Import scheduling blocks from Tactical Scheduler.


Importing Solids into Spatial Conformetrics

  1. In the Blocks panel, press the blue plus icon.

  2. In the Open window select required conformance file, previously exported from Tactical Scheduler or Production Scheduler.


  1. Select the relevant conformance file.


3. Once loaded, solids will appear in the viewport and listed in the Blocks panel. Use the dropdown triangle to expand to the desired level and inspect exported blocks.
