Table of Contents |
Field Name | Units | Aggregation | Field Description |
ActiveDuration | Hours | Sum | If the Agent is active in a transaction, this field is equal to Duration. See also: Idle Duration. |
ActivityType | Text | - | Indicates Drilling, Mining, or Idle activities |
Agent | Text | - | The Agent that initiated this transaction |
AgentCalendarHours | Hours | Sum | Agent Calendar Hours consumed in this transaction |
AgentGroups | Text | - | When using Loaders as Agents or Drills:
AgentQuantityDividedbyCalendarTime.*** | Per Naming | Average | When using Loader as Agent, displays Agent target tonnes/volume divided by the Calendar hours |
AgentRate.DrillMetersPerHour | Meters Per Hour | Average | When using Drills, displays the drill penetration rate |
DestinationBlockType | Text | - | Reads the block type field (Production, Contour, Ramp, Trim, etc) |
DestinationFullName | Text | - | Full name of the material destination |
DestinationLogicRule | Text | - | Destination Rule used to assign the material to the destination. Can be found in Setup > Destination Logic. |
DestinationMutexStockpile.*** | Text | - | See Mutex Fields section below |
DestinationParcel | Text | - | Material type on arrival at destination.
DestinationRecordNum | Text | - | Unique identifier for each block in the project |
DestinationType | Text | - | See Source Type / Destination Type section below |
Destination.*** | Text | - | See Level Names section below |
Destination.Dumps | Text | - | Destination dump class
Destination.Name | Text | - | See Level Names section below |
Destination.Name Part *** | Text | - | See Level Names section below |
Destination.Top | Text | - | Destination dump class
Drill Engine Hours | Hours | Sum | Engine hours = calendar hours * availability * utilisation |
DrillHours | Hours | Sum | Direct Hours = calendar hours * availability * utilisation * efficiency * productivity |
Drilling_*** | Per Setup > Drilling Fields | Per Setup > Drilling Fields | Any drilling database field is prefixed "drilling_" |
Duration | Hours | Sum | Calendar hours
EndDate | Date/Time | - | End date of the transaction |
FinalDestination.*** | Text | - | See Source Type / Destination Type section below |
FlagCrossed.*** | Text | - |
FlagState.*** | Text | - |
Fleet | Text | - | Fleet name |
HaulageResult.BridgestoneTKPH | TKPH | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Bridgestone TKPH value |
HaulageResult.DestinationTerminal | Text | - | Haul Infinity block or node representing the destination |
HaulageResult.Distances.*** | Metres | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Distances corresponding to each cycle time component |
HaulageResult.FuelBurn.*** | Litres Per Trip | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Fuel burn corresponding to each cycle time component |
HaulageResult.InstantaneousTruckCount | # | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Instantaneous truck count on a given haul cycle |
HaulageResult.LoadedElevationChanges.*** | Metres | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Absolute, Downhill, and Uphill loaded elevation changes for a given haul cycle |
HaulageResult.LoaderIdleRatio | % | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Loader hang time as a percentage of truck cycle time |
HaulageResult.LoaderPayload | Wet Tonnes | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Averaged loader bucket payload for the specified truck and material Can be found in /wiki/spaces/212AD/pages/30941135 |
HaulageResult.LoaderProductionRate.*** | Per Naming | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Loader production rates in Tonnes/Volume per hour (Target tonnes/volume divided by actual Loader Hours) |
HaulageResult.Material | Text | - | Haul Infinity material type Can be found in Setup > Haulage Configurations > Haulage Materials |
HaulageResult.MichelinTKPH | TKPH | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Michelin TKPH value |
HaulageResult.NumberOfPasses | Count | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Number of swings taken by the loader to fill the truck tray |
HaulageResult.NumberOfTrips | Count | Sum | Number Of Trips = Mined Wet Tonnes/Truck Payload |
HaulageResult.SourceTerminal | Text | - | Haul Infinity block or node representing the source |
HaulageResult.Times.*** | Minutes | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Productive time corresponding to each cycle time component |
HaulageResult.TruckPayload | Wet Tonnes | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Truck payload in Wet Tonnes |
HaulageResult.TruckRate.*** | Per Naming | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Truck production rates in Wet Tonnes, Dry Tonnes, and Bulk Cubic Metres per hour |
HaulageResult.UnloadedElevationChanges.*** | Metres | Weighted Average on Number of Trips | Absolute, Downhill, and Uphill unloaded elevation changes for a given route |
ID | Text | - | Unique ID for each schedule transaction |
IdleDuration | Hours | Sum | If the Agent is idle in a transaction, this field is equal to Duration. See also: Active Duration. |
Loader | Text | - | Loader type |
LoaderEngineHours | Hours | Sum | Engine hours = calendar hours * availability * utilisation |
LoaderHours | Hours | Sum | Direct Hours = calendar hours * availability * utilisation * efficiency * productivity |
Loader.Avails.*** | % | Loader Calendar availability, utilisation, efficiency, productivity value. Direct Utilisation = availability * utilisation * efficiency * productivity. Note these are weighted against Loader Hours, not Calendar Hours, as some stockpile reclaim steps consume loader hours but not calendar hours. | |
Mining_* | Per Setup > Mining Fields | Per Setup > Mining Fields | Insitu material properties such as feed tonnes and head grade |
Mining_ProcessStreams_* | Per Setup > Mining Fields | Per Setup > Mining Fields | Product material properties such as recovered tonnes and product grade |
Misc_* | Per Setup > Misc Fields | Per Setup > Misc Fields | Block solid properties such as location, surface area, presplit perimeter, etc |
MutexParcel.*** | Text | - | See Mutex Fields |
NumLoaders | Count | Sum | Num Loaders = Loader Hours/Direct Hours Per Loader |
NumTrucks | Count | Sum | Num Trucks = Truck Hours/Direct Hours Per Truck |
Origin ID | Text | - | Unique ID for each schedule transaction. |
OriginalSource.*** | Text | - | |
Output>*** | Per Setup > Mining Fields | Per Setup > Mining Fields | See Output fields |
Period.*** | Per Naming | - | Time period during which this transaction takes place |
ProcessingStream | Text | - | If the destination is a crusher, this returns the crusher Processing Stream. Can be found in Setup > Crushers |
SourceBlockType | Text | - | Reads the block type field (Production, Contour, Ramp, Trim, etc) |
SourceFullName | Text | - | Full name of the material source |
SourceMutexStockpile.*** | Text | - | See Mutex Fields section below |
SourceParcel | Text | - | Returns material type on mining transactions. Returns hole type on drilling transactions. |
SourceRecordNum | Text | - | Unique identifier for each block in the project. |
SourceType | Text | - | See Source Type / Destination Type section below |
Source.*** | Text | - | See Level Names section below |
Source.NamePart *** | Text | - | See Level Names section below |
Source.OpenPit | Text | - | Source mine class.
StartDate | Date/Time | - | Start date of the transaction |
StepLogicRule | Text | - | Step Logic rule used to assign the fleet to the movement. Can be found in Setup > Steps Logic. |
SwellVolume | LCM | Sum | Swell factored volume. Can be found in Setup > Swell Factors. |
Truck | Text | - | Truck type |
TruckEngineHours | Hours | Sum | Engine hours = calendar hours * availability * utilisation |
TruckHours | Hours | Sum | Direct Hours = calendar hours * availability * utilisation * efficiency * productivity |
TruckTotalFuelLiters | Litres | Sum | Total truck fuel litres |
Truck.Avails.*** | % | Truck Calendar availability, utilisation, efficiency, productivity value. Direct Utilisation = availability * utilisation * efficiency * productivity. Note these are weighted against Truck Hours, not Calendar Hours, as some stockpile reclaim steps consume truck hours but not calendar hours. |
Destination Logic | Steps Logic | |||
Original Source | Final Destination | Step | Source | Destination |
Pit | Crusher | 1 | Pit | ROM |
Pit | Crusher | 2 | ROM | Crusher |
Pit | Crusher | 3 | Pit | Crusher |
Note |
Be extremely wary of double-counting when using Original Source/Final Destination fields. Observe from the above image that filtering by "Final Destination = Crusher" would double-count tonnes passing through the ROM. |
Anchor | ||||