Tip |
These exercises illustrate the best practices for using nodes in a project. |
Table of Contents |
Creating Nodes at Elevation
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Use this tool to create entry points for each bench in the pit or dump. |
Node Naming
Nodes must have the unique names in HI and names must be the same as other systems in some cases.
If you are processing a schedule, the nodes must have the same name as the schedule sources and destinations.
If you are interfacing with dispatch, the nodes must have the same name as they are called in the fleet management system.
This means that nodes must be renamed from their default names.
Dumping Time at Nodes
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Every node has a SpotAtDumpSeconds property which controls the dump spot time at that location. For example, spot time at the crusher may be different from spot time on the main dump. |
Using the Nodes Panel
Tip |
The Nodes panel is where nodes can be organized into groups for finding, hiding and editing. |