x/4/2021 New 21.1 Release
Alastri is pleased to announce the release of its latest versions of software.
All Products 21.1.x
New read-only Viewer
Alastri Production Scheduler and Alastri Tactical Scheduler are now available in read-only version allowing users to open projects and run schedules, without requiring additional licences.
The Viewer can be run directly from the Hub.
Run Viewer from Hub
Setup Notes
A new “Notes” panel is now available on each setup task. The panel is highly configurable and allows users to manually add notes for each setup task.
When collapsed, a notes icon will appear above the setup tasks panel, which can be clicked on to expand.
“Notes” panel
Notes panel button will appear when the “Notes” panel has been closed/collapsed
Version number appended to save file name
When saving a project, the version number will now be appended to the file name in the Windows “Save As” dialog. This is an optional setting per user, and can be found in the toolbar under the “Tools” item.
Append Version to Filename
Product Version Validation
All products will prompt when opening a project, if the project being open is from a previous version.
NOTE: This validation already existed in APS and ATS, but has now been added across all products.
Product Version Validation dialog that appears on opening a project from a previous version
New bulk export settings dialog when bulk exporting layer items
Bulk export layers
Reporting - Horizontal Chrono
It is now possible to rotate Chrono charts in both Alastri Production Scheduler and Alastri Tactical Scheduler so that they show horizontally.
Rotated option in Chrono Charts Setup
Rotated Chrono Chart
Animation - Export Updated dialog
In both Alastri Production Scheduler and Alastri Tactical Scheduler, the settings dialog that appears when exporting “Export Polygons for All Periods” or “Export Period Solids” has been updated.
The dialog now gives the users the following options:
File Type
Export Type - SinglePeriod or Cumulative
Method - Separate or Merged
Include Period Name
The dialog also gives a short explanation of what will be exported based on the users selection combination
Export Period Solids
Export Period Polygons
Settings and Most Recently Used projects now persist between versions.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash occurring when using bulk export when exporting to a zip file that is open.
Fixed an issue where "Create Final Surface" Tool on the layers panel was not working for a specific file.
Fixed an issue where dragging an exported period polygon file to the layers panel would take a long time to load.
Fixed various issues occurring in both Alastri Production Scheduler and Alastri Tactical Schedulerwith "Export Period Solids", "Export Polygons for All Periods" and "Export Stage Plan" functionality in Animation. Fixes include:
Some exported polygons were not being fully closed
Some solid dumps were missing from export
Cumulative export was not matching for separate and merged export types
Obscure objects were being included in export when using "Precision" setting
Issues around types of files that were being exported with respect to blasts and digs
Issues with some filenames being out of sequence
Dump files being created when they were not expected
Alastri Production Scheduler 21.1.x
New Truck Calculation Options
New options are now available on the Final Configuration setup task.
Enable Truck Dispatch - Enabling this option means trucks will be assigned based on digger priority.
Show TUM (Time Usage Model) Graphs - Shows on the Trucks lane on the Gantt
Show Instantaneous Graphs - Shows on the Trucks lane on the Gantt
Truck Calculation options on Final Configuration setup task
When “Enable Truck Dispatch” is enabled, new fields will appear in the Calendar.
New items in Calendar
Enabling the graph items will also make the TUM and Instantaneous truck lanes available to be shown on Agents in the Gantt.
Truck lanes showing for Agent on Gantt
Users can now connect to a server hosting licences for a particular commercial solver (e.g. Gurobi)
Solver settings on Final Configuration setup task
Stockpile Mutex Group Names
Users can now specify Mutex group names, to be applied in the Stockpiles setup task.
Adding new Stockpile Mutex Group names in Site Lists setup task
Applying Mutex Group names on Stockpiles setup task
Animation - Save Viewpoints
It is now possible to save viewpoints from the Animation.
Save viewpoints to file
Animation - Batch Save Viewpoint Videos
It is now possible to export videos for each viewpoint in batch.
Batch Save Viewpoint Videos
Reporting - Copy Report Image
It is now possible to copy an image of a report.
Copy Pivot Report image
Copy Chrono Table image
A new Tooltips button has been added to the Calendar and Chrono Report which displays a list of useful shortcuts.
Usage Hints on Chrono
Reporting - Copy Chrono Image
It is now possible to copy an image from a Chrono chart.
Chrono Copy Image
Gantt - Force Destinations
When a forced destination is applied, that destination will be preferred. If the forced destination is not available for any reason, then the schedule will fall back to the ordinary destination logic.
Items in the Gantt for forced destination will now appear with success or fail hatchings.
Force Destination Hatchings
Setting has been added to disable camera shake when blasts are occurring while animation is playing.
Enable Screen Shake option
Period Plots
It is now possible to import and export period plot templates.
Animation - Export Stage Plans
A new field has been added to allow the user to specify which file type the exported stage plans should be.
Animation - Point Solid Depletion Bearing
A new field has been added to Point Solids setup task, which sets a bearing for which direction a point solid should be filled/emptied.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that would occur when running the schedule after scheduling Production and Presplit drilling for the same agent.
Fixed various exceptions occurring when running schedule for specific setups.
Fixed an issue where "Preferred Build Order" settings in the Stockpile Build Settings setup task were not being honoured.
Fixed an issue where the “Dependency Type” option would appear when it shouldn't after clearing manual dependencies on a bench in the On Bench setup task.
Fixed an issue where Chrono setup would be left in a broken formatted state after using undo and redo for a certain sequence of steps.
Fixed an issue where Presplit animation was not showing correctly in some cases.
Fixed an issue where a point solid was showing at the beginning of a schedule when it contained no volume, in certain cases.
Fixed an issue where Animation “Display Settings” did not allow mass visibility toggle after reset.
Period Plots
Fixed an issue where user created Labels were not immediately appearing in Period Plots.
Alastri Tactical Scheduler 21.1.x
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where “Find and Replace” was taking too long for Chrono reports.
Fixed an issue where Priority Incentive dialog was taking too long to appear in some cases.
Product Specifications
A new option “Is Content of Stockpile” has been added for grade/blend targets on stockpiles to consider what's on the stockpile, and not just what's fed in.
Is Content of Stockpile
Schedule Control enhancements
Period number will appear on any conflicting constraints message that appears on the Schedule Control.
It is now possible to pop out any messages from Schedule Control into a separate window that will remain open.
Schedule Control enhancements
It’s now possible to toggle all nodes on the Display panel.
Chrono report now reports actual capacity instead of infinity, for Calendar value Waste Dump Capacity.
All records of “Record Subset” in “Destination Logic” setup task are now being displayed instead of subset name.
Min/Max rows have been added that format the actual based on these for any grade targets.
Spatial Conformetrics 21.1.x
Bug Fixes
Fixed a crash that occurred when generating stage plans after deleting blocks from “Schedule Sequence” setup task.
Fixed a file format issue that occurred when exporting stage plans from “Schedule Sequence” setup task.
Improved the way options on the “Generate Stage Plan” drop-down are organised on the “Schedule Sequence” setup task..
Rapid Reserver 21.1.x
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where undo/redo was not working as expected at the flitch level in some cases.
“Auto Dig Line Creation” can now be applied to selected blasts and selected digs.
Fixed an issue where filters on Reserves panel on the “Block Model” setup task or the Designer setup task were not being applied on an exported file from that panel.
It’s now possible to bulk change the colour of multiple items in the Phases setup task.
Improved the way mapping is handled when importing dig blocks that do not honour blast boundaries. A new option is now available on the import dialog to skip blast level.
Haul Infinity 21.1.x
No specific changes for this release