PS. Single Destinations

PS. Single Destinations

In the Single Destinations step there is the option to control how many destinations an individual block can get sent to. Once a block has started mining, it can be unrestricted in what destination it is sent to, restricted to a Single destination, or sent to a restricted choice of destinations.

Single Destinations step overview

Single Destination Type


Material can be sent everywhere there is a destination rule allowing the movement. That is, every load from a single dig block will be evaluated as to the best destination to be sent to, at that point in time.


All material will go to the first chosen destination, while it is available. Once it is no longer available, another destination will be chosen from the destination rules, and all subsequent material will go there while it is available.


All material will go to either the first chosen crusher or other destination (stockpile), while it is available. Each will be evaluated based on Optimisation Flow parameters as to which of these 2 destinations it will be sent to. If one is no longer available, the next destination in the destination rule will be chosen.


All material will go to either to any available crusher or one other destination (stockpile), while it is available.


All material will go to either to the first chosen crusher while it is available, or any available other destination (stockpile).

To get the fastest processing from the schedule set the Single Destination Type as “Unrestricted”.