TS Between Benches
Step Between Benches allows user to plan multiple bench mining in a single phase.
This setup task consists of seven main columns, each of which is described below in more details.
List of all the scheduling elements arranged in the tree level hierarchy Mine/Pit/Stage/Bench/Flitch or Dumps/Dump/Lift or Backfills/Pit/Bench. Click on a parent level to expand children levels.
Expand Distance
The Expand Distance works by taking the polygonal boundary of a blast, expanding it by the nominated distance, and checking for any unmined blocks on the bench above that are within that area.
A zero expand distance allows vertical walls.
A positive expand distance forces a minimum running track between crests and toes.
A negative expand distance allows under-cutting the bench above.
Populate multiple values in the Expand Distance column in meters or press black cross button to clear related.
Adjacent Phase Expand Distance
If you specify a number here, it will be used as the expand distance between phases. If you hit the X, it will instead use the value in expand column. See the logic below.
Max Active Benches
In the Max Active Benches column users may limit a bench from being mined until the Nth bench above is completely mined out.
Time Delay
In the Time Delay column specify the waiting period between satisfying the Expand Distance and beginning mining the block.
Note this is a bench level property that applies to individual blasts.
Max Agents on Bench
In the Max Agents on Bench column limit how many Agents can be active on a given bench.
Max Agents on Block
In the Max Agents on Block limit individual blasts from having more than the specified number of Agents on them at a time.
Note this is a bench level property that applies to individual blasts.