PS. Guidance Schedules

PS. Guidance Schedules

In the Guidance Schedules step you can import guidance from an external schedule.

Conformance Files

Guidance is imported in the “.atsConformance” and “.apsConformance” file formats. These files can be generated from the Animation tab > Export button > “Export Blocks for Conformance” option in both Alastri Tactical Scheduler and Alastri Production Scheduler.

“Export Blocks for Conformance” option in Alastri Tactical Scheduler
“Export Blocks for Conformance” option in Alastri Production Scheduler

Import Conformance

  • Multiple guidance schedules can be imported via the blue plus icon in the “.atsConformance” and “.apsConformance” formats.

  • Period colours are imported from the guiding schedule by default.

  • Set the colours to make them useful for “painting by numbers” during scheduling.

  • Open Records hidden panel to change Record subsets displayed in the viewport and select levels from the tree structure.

  • Open Layers hidden panel to select layers to display or hide.

  • Open Dumps and Reserves hidden panels to select Dumps/Reserves Shadings from its dropdowns.


An example of configuring the guidance schedule for scheduling blocks conformance.

  1. Press the blue plus sign icon to add a pre-exported from Alastri Tactical Scheduler conformance file in ".atsConformance" format.

  2. In the Guidance column, review the automatically assigned prescheduling guidances; you can change them.

  3. To create a scheduling guidance based on the four weeks plan, go back to the previous Guidance Categories step and add a new category named "Four Weeks Plan". Keep the color automatically assigned to this category, or choose a different one from the Color dropdown list.

  4. In the Guidance Schedules step, select the applicable periods (use the <CTRL> and <SHIFT> keys to select multiple) and use the Guidance dropdown to set a new preschedule guidance for four weeks plan.

  5. Repeat to display the three month plan conformance.

  6. Review the results in the viewport.

  7. In the Reserves Legend tab, you can change the Reserves shadings based on various parameters. Select the <Guidance> shading from the Reserves Shading field dropdown and review the conformance of scheduling blocks.