Automatic Dig Block Generator

Automatic Dig Block Generator

Option to automatically create dig blocks from the block model parcel data. This allows the schedule to take into account Ore Loss and Depletion rather than assuming that each parcel can be mined and 100% sent to the correct destination.



  1. Setup > Settings

    1. Enable Dig plans

    2. Enable Single Destinations

  2. Setup > Destinations

    1. List the destinations the parcels can go to (material types)

  3. Setup > Destination Cash Flow

    1. Set up a cash flow matrix to determine the value of each parcel in a destination material type

  4. Setup > Phase Details

    1. Select the Destination Cash Flow for each stage in the Reserves

  5. Designer Tab

    1. Select the Automatic Dig Block Creation icon to create dig blocks at the Flitch level