ATS Report Fields (Glossary)

ATS Report Fields (Glossary)


Field List

Take care that some fields are reported as averages, not sums. 

For example, HaulageResult.Distances.Total will give the average cycle time distance, not the total distance travelled. 

Field NameUnitsAggregationField Description
Active DurationHoursSum

If the Agent is active in a transaction, this field is equal to Duration.

See also: Idle Duration.

Activity TypeText-Indicates Drilling, Mining, or Idle activities. 
AgentText-The Agent that initiated this transaction. 
Agent Calendar HoursHoursSumAgent Calendar Hours consumed in this transaction.
Agent GroupsText-

When using Loaders as Agents or Drill Scheduling:

  • Agent Group returns the Loader Type / Drill Type (i.e. EX3600).
  • Agent returns each loader or drill unit individually (i.e. EX3600.1, EX3600.2, ...).
Agent Quantity Divided by Calendar Time.***Per NamingAverageWhen using Loaders as Agents, displays Agent target tonnes/volume divided by the Calendar hours.
Agent Rate.Drill Meters Per HourMeters Per HourAverageWhen using Drill Scheduling, displays the drill penetration rate.
Destination Block TypeText-Reads the block type field (Production, Contour, Ramp, Trim, etc). 
Destination Full NameText-Full name of the material destination. 
Destination Logic RuleText-

Destination Rule used to assign the material to the destination. 

Can be found in Setup > Destination Logic. 

Destination Mutex Stockpile.***Text-See 31402141.
Destination ParcelText-

Material type on arrival at destination. 

(In Truck Constrained mode, stockpiles can be set up to merge material types on arrival.)

Destination Record NumText-Unique identifier for each block in the project.
Destination TypeText-See 31402141.
Destination.***Text-See 31402141.

Destination dump class.

  • Note this level returns "Crushers" or "Stockpiles" or "Dumps"
Destination.NameText-See 31402141.
Destination.Name Part ***Text-See 31402141.

Destination dump class.

  • Note this level returns "Crushers" or "Stockpiles" or "Dumps"
Drill Engine HoursHoursSumEngine hours = calendar hours * availability * utilisation.
Drill HoursHoursSumDirect Hours = calendar hours * availability * utilisation * efficiency * productivity.
Drilling_***Per Setup > Drilling FieldsPer Setup > Drilling FieldsAny drilling database field is prefixed 'drilling_'.
DurationHoursSumCalendar hours. Note this does not include any Stockpile Reclaimer hours.
End DateDate / Time-End date of the transaction. 
Final Destination.***Text-See 31402141.

'Y' if a truck has crossed a flagged segment

'N' if a truck has not crossed a flagged segment. 


'On' if a flag is traversible

'Off' if a flag is not traversible. 

FleetText-Fleet name.
HaulageResult.Bridgestone TKPHTKPHWeighted Average on Number of TripsBridgestone TKPH value. 
HaulageResult.Destination TerminalText-Haul Infinity block or node representing the destination. 
HaulageResult.Distances.***MetresWeighted Average on Number of TripsDistances corresponding to each cycle time component. 
HaulageResult.FuelBurn.***Litres Per TripWeighted Average on Number of Trips

Fuel burn corresponding to each cycle time component. 

HaulageResult.Instantaneous Truck Count#Weighted Average on Number of TripsInstantaneous truck count on a given haul cycle.
HaulageResult.Loaded Elevation Changes.***MetresWeighted Average on Number of Trips

Absolute, Downhill, and Uphill loaded elevation changes for a given haul cycle. 

HaulageResult.Loader Idle Ratio%Weighted Average on Number of TripsLoader hang time as a percentage of truck cycle time. 
HaulageResult.Loader PayloadWet TonnesWeighted Average on Number of Trips

Averaged loader bucket payload for the specified truck and material. 

Can be found in Haul Infinity > Setup > Parameters.

HaulageResult.Loader Production Rate.***Per NamingWeighted Average on Number of TripsLoader production rates in Tonnes/Volume per hour. (Target tonnes/volume divided by actual Loader Hours)

Haul Infinity material type. 

Can be found in Setup > Haulage Configurations > Haulage Materials. 

HaulageResult.Michelin TKPHTKPHWeighted Average on Number of TripsMichelin TKPH value. 
HaulageResult.Number Of PassesCountWeighted Average on Number of TripsNumber of swings taken by the loader to fill the truck tray.
HaulageResult.Number Of TripsCountSumNumber Of Trips = Mined Wet Tonnes / Truck Payload
HaulageResult.Source TerminalText-Haul Infinity block or node representing the source. 
HaulageResult.Times.***MinutesWeighted Average on Number of Trips

Productive time corresponding to each cycle time component. 

HaulageResult.Truck PayloadWet TonnesWeighted Average on Number of TripsTruck payload in Wet Tonnes. 
HaulageResult.Truck Rate.***Per NamingWeighted Average on Number of TripsTruck production rates in Wet Tonnes, Dry Tonnes, and Bulk Cubic Metres per hour.
HaulageResult.Unloaded Elevation Changes.***MetresWeighted Average on Number of Trips

Absolute, Downhill, and Uphill unloaded elevation changes for a given route. 

IDText-Unique ID for each schedule transaction.
Idle DurationHoursSum

If the Agent is idle in a transaction, this field is equal to Duration.

See also: Active Duration.

LoaderText-Loader type.
Loader Engine HoursHoursSumEngine hours = calendar hours * availability * utilisation.
Loader HoursHoursSumDirect Hours = calendar hours * availability * utilisation * efficiency * productivity.

Loader Calendar availability, utilisation, efficiency, productivity value

Direct Utilisation =  availability * utilisation * efficiency * productivity

Note these are weighted against Loader Hours, not Calendar Hours, as some stockpile reclaim steps consume loader hours but not calendar hours.

Mining_*Per Setup > Mining FieldsPer Setup > Mining FieldsInsitu material properties such as feed tonnes and head grade.
Mining_ProcessStreams_*Per Setup > Mining FieldsPer Setup > Mining FieldsProduct material properties such as recovered tonnes and product grade.
Misc_*Per Setup > Misc FieldsPer Setup > Misc FieldsBlock solid properties such as location, surface area, presplit perimeter, etc.
Mutex Parcel.***Text-See 31402141.
Num LoadersCountSumNum Loaders = Loader Hours / Direct Hours Per Loader.
Num TrucksCountSumNum Trucks = Truck Hours / Direct Hours Per Truck.
Origin IDText-Unique ID for each schedule transaction.
Original Source.***Text-See 31402141.
Output>***Per Setup > Mining FieldsPer Setup > Mining FieldsSee 31402141.
Period.***Per Naming-

Time period during which this transaction takes place. 

Processing StreamText-

If the destination is a crusher, this returns the crusher Processing Stream. 

Can be found in Setup > Crushers. 

Source Block TypeText-Reads the block type field (Production, Contour, Ramp, Trim, etc). 
Source Full NameText-Full name of the material source.
Source Mutex Stockpile.***Text-See 31402141.
Source ParcelText-

Returns material type on mining transactions.

Returns hole type on drilling transactions.

Source Record NumText-Unique identifier for each block in the project.
Source TypeText-See 31402141.
Source.***Text-See 31402141.
Source.Name Part ***Text-See 31402141.
Source.Open PitText-

Source mine class.

  • Note this level returns "OpenPit" or "Stockpiles" or any top-level reserve table name. 
Start DateDate / Time-Start date of the transaction.
Step Logic RuleText-

Step Logic rule used to assign the fleet to the movement.

Can be found in Setup > Steps Logic.

Swell VolumeLCMSum

Swell factored volume. 

Can be found in Setup > Swell Factors. 

TruckText-Truck type.
Truck Engine HoursHoursSum

Engine hours = calendar hours * availability * utilisation

Truck HoursHoursSum

Direct Hours = calendar hours * availability * utilisation * efficiency * productivity

Truck Total Fuel LitersLitresSumTotal truck fuel litres.

Truck Calendar availability, utilisation, efficiency, productivity value

Direct Utilisation =  availability * utilisation * efficiency * productivity

Note these are weighted against Truck Hours, not Calendar Hours, as some stockpile reclaim steps consume truck hours but not calendar hours.

Original Source / Final Destination

A single schedule transaction (Source + Destination) may be one step in a series of transactions generated by the Steps Logic. Original Source and Final Destination refer to where the material originated at the beginning of the period and rested at the end of the period, outside of the current transaction. 


Destination LogicSteps Logic
Original SourceFinal DestinationStepSourceDestination

Demonstration of how "Pit to Crusher" can be broken down into 3 steps via the Steps Logic. 

Be extremely wary of double-counting when using Original Source / Final Destination fields.

Observe from the above image that filtering by "Final Destination = Crusher" would double-count tonnes passing through the ROM. 

Source Type / Destination Type

A single schedule transaction (Source + Destination) may be one step in a series of transactions generated by the Steps Logic. 

Source TypeTrueSource = Original Source
Source TypeMockSource <> Original Source
Destination TypeTrueDestination = Final Destination
Destination TypeMockDestination <> Final Destination

The 'Type' fields can be used to quickly differentiate between Direct (single-step logic) and Auto-Rehandle (multi-step logic) type movements. 

Output Fields

Output fields display the final products grades when a parcel is dumped in the crusher. Any reporting on final product should be done using the Output fields. 

To prevent double-counting, always filter by Destination.Dumps = Crushers when reading the Output fields. 

Output grades are displayed on any transaction where the Final Destination is a crusher (even if the Destination is only the ROM, per Steps Logic). 

Mutex Fields

Mutex fields (Mutually Exclusive categories) are classification fields that have been created in Tactical Scheduler,

  • in Reserves tab > Data panel > Parcel Subsets > Mutex Parcel Groups, and
  • in Setup > Stockpiles > Stockpile Mutex Subsets.

These are useful for answering questions such as "how many tonnes on all ROM stockpiles", or "how many tonnes of rock type X went to crusher". Under the Mutex groups we can classify different ROM stockpiles together, or different rock types together, and so on. 

See also: ATS Subset Variables.

Level Names

Tactical Scheduler uses Level Names to refer to the hierarchy of locations in pits, dumps, stockpiles and crushers. By default, the level name fields are drawn from the table levels in Setup > Create Tables. 

This can be a source of confusion, since Dumps, Stockpiles and Crushers store different information at different levels in their names. 

Destination LevelDestination Name PartLevel NumberDumpsStockpilesCrushers


  • Destination.<Level> returns that level name from the OpenPit database table.


  • Destination.<Level> returns that level name from the Dumps database table.


  • Destination.Top returns "Stockpiles" from Level 0. 
  • Destination.Name returns the stockpile name from Level 1. 
  • Destination.NamePart3 returns
    • the finger number on FIFO/LIFO stockpiles.
    • "WtAvg" on weight-averaged stockpiles.


  • Destination.Top returns "Crushers" from Level 0.
  • Destination.Name returns the crusher name from Level 1. 

Equivalent Flat Haul

Contact Alastri support to add Equivalent Flat Haul (EFH) as a custom report field to your organisation's specification.

Since there is no industry standard defined calculation for EFH, it is not included in the default reporting fields.