RR Phases

RR Phases

Each phase is defined by a closed master solid.

If you do not have closed pit solids, refer to the Solid Lab section to generate them from designs.

Press the folder icon to import solids from a folder location, or the layer (grid) icon to select items from the Layer panel.

Import closed solids into the Phases step.

Use the Z-Plane slider (between the solid list and the 3D viewport) to check for overlaps between the phase solids.

  • Overlaps are marked with a red and white hatch pattern.

  • To avoid double-counting tonnes in an overlap, revert to the Solid Lab and use the Subtract Solids function to clean up the data.

Use the Z-Plane slider to check for overlaps between the phases.

To update the solid for a given phase, click in the Solid dropdown > Geometry Chooser > import new solid.

Click in the Solid dropdown > Geometry Choose > import redesigns of an existing phase.

To change the order the phases appear in the software, type in the priority order in the Order column, or select a Phase and reposition it using the blue up/down arrows

Re-order phases using the Order priority column or the arrows.

One you are satisfied with the phases, press play to the next step.