Project Files

Project Files

File Extensions used in Alastri Software

When Alastri software is saved, multiple different files will appear in the save location.

File Extension


File Extension



Alastri Tactical Scheduler project file.


Alastri Production Scheduler project file.


Haul Infinity project file.


Rapid Reserver project file.


Locks out a file to one user at a time.


If the main project files are corrupted for any reason, the .old files can be restored as functional project files by removing โ€œ.oldโ€ from the file name.


Reduces scheduling time by saving results of previous runs.


Saves triangulations external to the main project. Deleting the .layerdb file is the same as deleting all layers from the project.

For some projects you may notice .layerdb-shm and .layerdb-wal file extensions. These are the journalling files.

When Alastri software is working with .layerdb, a backup is kept around for rollback if necessary. .SHM is an index that goes with the .WAL file that allows multiple users to use the same .layerdb file. Both are generated by SQLite.

Normally, you do not need these files to run the software, since you can work the .layerdb at minimum, unless the layerdb is corrupted in which case the .WAL and .SHM help with recovery (but not always).

Additional Information - Rapid Reserver

Rapid Reserver can be run as an Embedded Data Source or an External Data Source.

External Data Source

In this mode, reserves are exported/imported between the Rapid Reserver file and the Alastri Production/Tactical Scheduler file.

This allows the user to store the reserves in a different working directory, or on a central server.

Embedded Data Source

In this mode, any saves to the scheduler project result in a local saved copy of the accompanying Rapid Reserver file.

This allows the user to edit the reserves without leaving the scheduler project.

When sharing files with another user, this mode requires you to share all supporting data files: โ€œ.project.apsโ€, โ€œ.project.hinfโ€, โ€œ.project.raraโ€, โ€œ.project.resmodelโ€.

Block Model Data

Rapid Reserver maintains a live connection to the block model data in the โ€œ.resmodelโ€ file.

This file must be saved on the local machine (never stream block model data over a network connection), but it can be in a different subfolder in the working directory.