RR. Block Model Formulas

RR. Block Model Formulas

Several expressions are available to use in the Reserve Model Generator in the Block Model setup step.

The most frequently used formulas and operators are given below.

Block Model formulas


Add A and B


Subtract B from A


Multiply A and B


Divide A by B


Convert all upper case text (HG, Hg, hg) into lower case (hg)


Return the minimum of A and B


Return the maximum of A and B

N("density") <= 0 ? 0 : N("volume")

If density is less than or equal to zero, return zero volume, else return the volume field


Return the first three letters of A

( RowT("material")=="waste1" || RowT("material")=="waste2" ) ? "waste" : RowT("material")

If material is waste1 or waste2, then return "waste", else return the "material"

Logical operators



If A is "true" and B is "true" and C is "true", then return "true", else return "false"



If A is "true" or B is "true" or C is "true", then return "true", else return "false"

Equal to


If A is equal to B, return "true", else return "false"

Not equal to


If A is not equal to B, return "true", else return "false"

Greater than


If A is greater than B, return "true", else return "false"

Greater than or equal to


If A is greater than or equal to B, return "true", else return "false"

Less than


If A is less than B, return "true", else return "false"

Less than or equal to


If A is less than or equal to B, return "true", else return "false"


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