PS. Destinations Dashboards

PS. Destinations Dashboards

Dashboards in the Destinations tab may be used to switch between saved sets of views, such as “Primary Crusher ROM” and “Mobile Crusher ROM”. This can make it easier to find important information during scheduling.

Schedule > Destinations tab > Site panel > Dashboards field > dropdown

To create a dashboard:

  1. Navigate to the Schedule tab > Destination tab > Site panel.

  2. Optionally use the <CTRL> and <SHIFT> keys to multi-select items to add to the dashboard.

  3. Press the gear icon next to the Dashboard field to open the configuration dialog.

  4. Press the blue plus button to Add New dashboard or press the next button on the right to “Create from Category Selection”.

  5. Click in the name field and rename the dashboard to the desired name.

  6. You can also duplicate/copy selected dashboard or import a previously created one from a “.dash“ file.

  7. In the Dashboards Rows press the folder button to add new folders. Here you can create subfolders and move them up/down and in/out.

  8. In the Fields list on the right, select a required item and drag and drop it to the dashboard. Optionally use the <CTRL> and <SHIFT> keys to multi-select items to add to the dashboard. 

  9. Optionally drag in static row references from the right Fields list.

  10. Optionally drag in dynamic folder references from the right dynamic Fields list (shown if Dynamic flag is enabled).

  11. Repeat for any other fields.

  12. Press OK to finish.

Configure Dashboard dialog

Dynamic folders automatically include new items that are added to the project. Static fields are fixed unless changed by the user.

Enable Append Parent Name flag if you want to show parent folder name in the name of an item selected.