RR. Designer tab Exercises

RR. Designer tab Exercises

Complete the following exercises to practice using tools provided in the Designer tab.


Pick a bench in the level tree and cut up blasts as shown.

Draw Line

  1. Click on the pencil iconΒ or type keyboard shortcut <D>.

  2. Left-click on one side of the bench, outside the boundary line.

  3. Left-click on the other side of the bench, outside the boundary line.

  4. Press <ESC> to finish.

During drawing, the <Backspace> key works as an Undo hotkey.

Move Point

  1. Click the point-move icon or type keyboard shortcut <F>.

  2. Select a point on a line.

  3. Click the new point coordinates to move it there.

Construction lines must form a closed polygon into order to cut solids. This means they must cross another line, or cross through the border polygon.

Offset Lines

  1. Click the line-offset icon or type keyboard shortcut <O>.

  2. Select a line to offset (this may include the bench boundary polygon as shown on the right).

Trim Lines

  1. Click the line-trim icon or type keyboard shortcut <T>.

  2. Click on a line to trim it back to the nearest intersection.


The Trim tool may not detect an intersection where two closed polygons form an adjacent corner. For these cases, use the Break tool to clear the segment.



Delete Lines

  1. Box-select all lines in the viewport (they will become blue).

  2. Press the <Delete> key or the Delete icon.



Excluding Solids

Excluded blocks will be hatched according to the Hatch pattern set in the Setup > Setting.

Undo / Redo

There are two ways to undo/redo changes made in the Designer tab:

  1. Left click in the 3D viewport to activate the area.

    1. Press <CTRL> + <Z> to undo the last change.

  2. Open the History panel in the bottom right of the application.

    1. Click through the history list to see different past states.


Blast Shapes Exercise

  1. In the Level Tree, select the Stage1 collection so that all benches in Stage 1 are visible.

  2. Press the Generate Blast Shapes button and select "With Visible Benches".

The Generate Blasts window will open.

  1. Tick Remove Existing Designs to clear existing linework.

  2. Tick Generate Ramp Shots and enter the min/max ramp angle to detect.

  3. Tick Generate Trim Shots and enter the trim shot length and width.

  4. Tick Generate Internal Shots,

    1. set the grid type to "Fitted Blasts",

    2. set the Size X and Size Y to the blast dimensions (80 x 80),

    3. set the Bearing to match the pit orientation (120Β°).

  5. Tick Generate Contours and enter the minimum contour area.

  6. Press OK to finish.

Use the top toolbar buttons to manually draw, move, join, and delete points and construction lines.

Double click Mine1\Pit1\Stage1 to center it in the viewport.

  1. Press Generate Blast Shapes button > β€œWith Visible Benches”.

  2. In the Generate Blasts window create Fitted Blasts at 30o bearing.

  3. For Stage1 bench 780, delete Production Blasts and manually create new blasts using Create Polygon and Create Construction Line tools.

    1. Remove existing internal blasts using Delete Segment tool (or highlight lines and delete them).

    2. Create Polygons and Construction lines.

  4. Repeat for Pit1/Stage2/Bench 830.

Labels and Shading Exercises

Exercises on how to configure customised labels and shadings can be found in the RR. Exercises section. Please go through them for practicing and a better understanding of the software.