Software Support

Software Support

Our aim is to give great aftercare and support to all Alastri customers. If you have a problem, try searching by keyword in the online help documentation, asking a question in the user forums, learning from our video tutorials or by contacting an Alastri customer support representative.


Extensive online documentation is accessible through the Help menu.


Software updates are available at http://www.alastri.com.au

User Forum

Learn from the experts at www.linkedin.com/groups/6788736

Video Tutorials

Search for Alastri on http://www.youtube.com


Send your support requests to alastrisupport@micromine.com

Sometimes we may link advanced users to preview releases on the Alastri website. It is possible that these unstable versions may crash, and if they do, we ask that you copy down the error message and send it to alastrisupport@micromine.com.