TS. Crushers

TS. Crushers


Every project must have at least one crusher, which represents the commercial output of material from site. 

Crushers step overview

Adding Crushers

Crushers must be represented by a node in Haul Infinity.

Crusher Node in Haul Infinity


In ATS, crushers can be added using plus icon in the toolbar, or imported directly from Haul Infinity.







Adding Crushers manually

To add and remove crushers manually use the green plus and red minus buttons located in the top toolbar.

The names in the Crusher Name column must follow this convention:

  1. Haul Infinity: "Crushers/MyCrusherName".

  2. Tactical Scheduler: "MyCrusherName".

Adding Crushers from Haul Infinity

You can add all or missing crushers from Haul Infinity. For this, use the Add Missing Items button located in the top toolbar.

Note, that this tool will only find items with a name that begins with “Crushers/”.

Processing Streams

Sometimes one real world crusher must be represented by multiple crushers in ATS, since each "Crusher" may only produce one product type.

In the Processing Stream column select one of the streams added in the Processing Path step.


A mine has two crusher bin locations. Each crusher bin feeds both wet and dry plants. The site produces a Standard and a Special sale product. 

We add a crusher to represent every stream of material, and a constraint to limit the totals through each gate.

  • Crushers:

    • CR1_wet_standard

    • CR1_dry_standard

    • CR1_wet_special

    • CR1_dry_special

    • CR2_wet_standard

    • CR2_dry_standard

    • CR2_wet_special

    • CR2_dry_special

  • Constraints:

    • CR1 crusher feed limit, across all CR1 streams

    • CR2 crusher feed limit, across all CR2 streams

    • Standard product tonnes limit, across all Standard streams

    • Special product tonnes limit, across all Special streams

    • Wet plant throughput tonnes limit, across all Wet streams

In the Schedule > Calendar, we leave each Crusher unrestricted in capacity, and control the feed to each bin via the Constraints. 

Availability Types to Specify

In the Availability Types to Specify column toggle availability types to add and control in the Calendar.

Types of availability include:

  • Planned Availability (PA),

  • Unplanned Availability (UPA),

  • Use of Availability (UA),

  • Operating Efficiency (OE) - Power/Engine On.

When selecting Availability for the Crusher, you’ll be able to put it in the Calendar, as well as specify Rates.

Calendar hours * Availability = hours per period; Crushing hours by period * Rate = Capacity.

If you don’t select any Availability, you’ll be only able to input the Total Capacity per period against each Crusher.

Capacity Field

The schedule calendar contains a capacity row for each stockpile. The capacity field is the unit of measurement of stockpile size, such as volume or tonnes.

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