PS. Destination Rules
- 1 Overview
- 2 Fields
- 2.1 Notes
- 3 Order
- 4 Editing
- 4.1 Creating rule
- 4.2 Copying rule
The Destination Rules step specifies where material from a record can reside once it has been mined in the schedule. Each rule has several filters which are evaluated by the Agents to determine if the rule can be used.
Filter | Description |
Name | Give each rule a unique name, and group in folders. Avoid using commas in the Destination Rule name, because when exporting future reports to CSV, the commas result in misalignment of the columns. |
Enabled |
Code Filters | Custom logic to differentiate destinations. More details and fully worked example see here. |
Calendar Switch | Constrain the rule to a particular Calendar Switch. Agents evaluate whether calendar value equals the filter value. |
Loaders | Constrain the rule to particular loaders. Agents evaluate whether the loader used to mine the record is included in the loader list. |
Sources | Constrain the rule to particular sources. Agents evaluate whether the record source is included in the source list. |
Parcels | Constrain the rule to particular parcels. Agents evaluate whether the parcel being mined is included in the parcel list. |
Destination Options | Constrain the rule to particular destinations. Agents evaluate which destination in the list is available. |
A Destination Rule will only be used if all of the conditions outlined above are true. If there are two rules which logically evaluate to be true, the rule which is higher in the table will always execute.
If a destination does not appear in the list for a material, that material cannot be sent there, even using the JiT destination option in the Animations tab.
The order of destination rules matters. If the conditions of two rules overlap, the higher rule in the list will be used exclusively.
Ineffective Destination Rule | Don’t do this. If a second rule has the same or fewer conditions than the first, then it will never execute and its destinations will be ignored. |
Ineffective destination rule: HG never goes to MOB1 because the first rule | |
Overriding Destination Rule | If special behaviour is required for a specific block or material, then you can “hijack” it by placing the special condition rule higher in the list, and the general condition rule second. |
Override destination rule: HG in Pit1/760 goes to LongTerm1, all other HG goes to ROM |
Creating rule
Press the blue plus icon located in the toolbar to add a new rule.
Give the new rule a desired name.
Configure the rule as per the table definitions above.
Place rule into relevant folder.
Rules can be imported and exported from projects using the floppy disk and folder buttons located in the toolbar.
Copying rule
Hold down the <CTRL> key.
Click and drag on the clipboard icon of that rule.
Drag and hold the cursor over another folder or icon where the new rule will sit. A blue arrow shows where the rule will be inserted.
Release the mouse to drop the new rule.