RR. Phase Properties

RR. Phase Properties

When preparing reserves for further scheduling, we are interrogating created/imported phase solids against the block model to get data on tonnes, grades, metal content etc, but sometimes you may need to add extra properties to that.

The Phase Properties step provides option to create additional properties for each phase. This might be used to flag some phases for special treatment, such as backfill ramp solids vs. reserve solids.

To create new phase properties:

  1. Name a property in Name column (spacing and special characters are not allowed).

  2. Set its type (“Number”, ”Text” or “Choice”).

    1. If selected “Number” then set default, minimum and maximum values in corresponding columns.

    2. If selected ”Text” then type custom text in Default Value column.

    3. If selected “Choice” then type your Comma Separated Choices and in Default Value column select one of them.

  3. Press blue play button to proceed to the next step.

Phase Properties step overview

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