RR. Blast Properties

RR. Blast Properties

Blast Properties step can be used to assign a tag or a value to a blast solid for use in schedule software downstream.

Common examples:

  • Drill and Blast parameters

    • rock code,

    • drill diameter,

    • BWT.

  • Productivity parameters

    • productivity factor,

    • bore flag.

  • Drill prescheduling

    • drill meters remaining.

Choice, Number, and Text type blast properties


To create new blast properties:

  1. Press the blue plus icon to add a new blast property.

  2. Name a property in Name column (spacing and special characters are not allowed).

  3. Set its type (“Number”, ”Text” or “Choice”):

    1. If selected “Number” then set default, minimum and maximum values in corresponding columns.

    2. If selected ”Text” then type custom text in Default Value column.

    3. If selected “Choice” then type your Comma Separated Choices and in Default Value column select one of them.

  4. Press blue play button to proceed to the next step.

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