Working remotely and using Extended Checkout

Working remotely and using Extended Checkout

How does my internet license work?

The internet license authenticates your purchase key, name and email against your details on the Alastri server.

Does the internet license require any special software?

The license does not require any special software to be installed.

How do I know if the license is working?

The licensing dialog will inform you of any authentication errors.

Can I use a VPN to access my work remotely?

Alastri always recommends saving your data and working of your local drive for the fastest and safest experience possible, however if required users can access their work network remotely via a VPN. Before logging into the Hub the user must fully establish a connection to the VPN before proceeding. If a proxy is also required the user must enter these details, which can only be provided by your IT, prior to logging into the Hub and after the VPN connection is established.

Access Proxy Settings

Proxy Settings

Can I check out my internet license overnight?

You can use the Extended Checkout feature to hold licenses offline for a number of hours. Normally the maximum checkout time for licenses is seven days. Each product required will need to be checked out individually. Haul Infinity will automatically be checked out if the user checks out Tactical Scheduler first. If the user requires Rapid Reserver to be embedded, Rapid Reserver will need to be checked out separately.


Checked out licenses cannot be released before their expiry date.

After the Extended Checkout function has been accessed the user needs to ensure the Offline Mode is active. It is recommended to test the license is checked out correctly before going offline.


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