UI Shadings and Tags

UI Shadings and Tags

In all of the Alastri applications, the user has a power to assign the desired colors and labels to project elements. For some items, advanced custom labeling or color shading options are available.


Labels are symbolic names of project elements (dig and blast solids or entire levels of pits and dumps, as well as routes and nodes for haulage, or agents, transactions and activities), used as an identifier for more convenient indication of data and properties.

In some parts of applications, the user has a choice to not only display or hide the labels of various project components, but also to create custom labels. Such functions are usually accompanied by a dropdown and/or a gear icon.

For example, in the Reserves tab of the Tactical Scheduler there is a Label Display button located in the top toolbar, which you can use to display or hide labels, select the color and font of text and background, adjust the offset and overlap of labels used.

Labels display options in Reserves tab of Tactical Schedule r

There is no such button in Rapid Reserver, but labels configuration is made similarly through the Display panel of Designer tab.

Labels display options in Designer tab of Rapid Reserver

Depending on user preferences and to make the project easier to work with, different information applicable to a given view or scheduling task can be displayed in the custom labels. In some applications, the available labels can be selected from a dropdown list of preconfigured tags, or you can create personalized custom names through formulas in the Configure Labels window.

An example of creating custom labels for a Production Scheduler project can be found here (the same for Tactical Scheduler projects). In Haul Infinity, custom labels are configured through Network > Display > Labels, where user can specify the label text and its properties such as color, size and position.

Use the bulb icon to show or hide labels in the viewport.


Shadings are an important part of the user interface and can be used to simplify viewing of the different elements in your project. It is also easily configurable in all Alastri applications. The Production Scheduler and Tactical Scheduler applications have separate tabs and fields with a gear icon that opens a window for configuring colors and their gradients.

Let's look at an example of custom shading configuration in Alastri's Tactical Scheduler, where these fields are placed in the top toolbar of the Reserves tab.

  1. Click on the gear icon in the Reserves or Dumps Shadings field. The Configure Shadings dialog will appear.

  2. Press the blue plus icon to add a new shading and name it adequately.

  3. From the Shading Field dropdown select a parameter you wish to configure shading for.

  4. Specify the relevant colors, values and ranges.

    1. Optionally click the Generate Gradient button to create color gradient.

    2. Press the Create by Equal Counts button and set the applicable number of intervals - ranges will contain an equal number of items.

    3. Press the Create by Equal Intervals button and set the applicable number of intervals - ranges will be equally divided by based on the highest and lowest values.

  5. Press OK to confirm and return to the viewport to see the results.

Shadings configuration in Production Scheduler and Rapid Reserver is done similarly (via the Reserves and Dumps Legends tabs in Production Scheduler and the Display panel in Rapid Reserver).

In the other applications (Haul Infinity and Spatial Conformetrics), these advanced shadings are not available, but you can still assign the desired colors to items through the Color button dropdown, as shown below.

  1. Click the color selection button to display the color palette and opacity level.

    1. Select the desired color and adjust its settings to your preference.

    2. View the resulting color in the Sample field.

    3. You can also enter numerical values for color hue (Hue), Saturation (Sat), Brightness (Bright), Transparency (Opacity) or specify a color number in the palette (#).

    4. Use the Make Web-Safe button to assign a web-safe color to the image.

2. Press OK to finish.