RR. Report tab

RR. Report tab


The Report tab is displayed within the context of a given project and enables you to generate any standard and custom reports currently available for the project.

In this tab you can generate a single report or multiple different reports simultaneously for the project. Once the generation of a report has completed, you may export and download the report in all its available formats.

Glossary for Report fields and their description and values setup options see in the section RR. Report fields (Glossary).

By default, when you open the Report tab, it already contains the report with benches plots, that was previously placed in a separate tab Plots. For more information about this type of reports, see the section Plot Report.

Adding Report

Press Add Report button in the left part of the Reports tab and select a type of report you wish to create from a dropdown.

Available reports options

Types of Reports

Main types of reports may divided into the following:

  1. Pivot Reports

  2. Grid Reports

  3. Table Reports

  4. Spreadsheet Report.

  5. Plot Report.

Pivot Report (for blast or dig)

You may create Pivot type report for Blast or for Dig by choosing required option from Add Report dropdown.

Pivot table comes in really handy as a quick way to make an interactive summary from many records. Among other things, it can automatically sort and filter different subsets of data, count totals or calculate average. Another benefit of using pivot tables is that you can set up and change the structure of your summary table simply by dragging and dropping the source table's columns.

In the top right part of application you see the list of all project elements to work with, organised by levels or folders.

Drag and drop parameters to display in your custom report to related fields from the top right part of the Reports tab to the bottom one. They will be automatically displayed in the main viewport accordingly.

You may also customise right part form layout by pressing top right icon and selecting desired layout of areas and fields as shown below.

By default “Field Section and Areas Section Stacked” layout is set. You may change it at any time to suit your display preferences.

In a bottom part of this right section you see four areas where you can drag and drop required fields, it has an automated sorting function preventing you from dropping wrong fields into wrong areas. To remove a field from an area simply drag it out and drop in any spot where it is marked by the Black Cross sign.

You can always manually change the layout of your pivot table by dragging fields to the desired locations between existing columns.

Press the filter icon to open its dropdown and select options to display and organise them in your table.

Press Configure Format button to open Configure Pivot Grid Appearance window where you may add more custom settings, such as text font, size, style, colors and format for each element of a table.

Press the Copy Image button to make a screenshot of your table, which will be copied to the clipboard and can be pasted directly to your reports or presentation.

Grid report (for solid or parcel)

You may also create Grid type report for Solid or for Parcel by selecting required option from Add Report dropdown.

In the Grid type reports you may drag and drop fields from the right hand list directly to the report display area. You may change the columns display order by dragging column headers as well as remove them from display by dragging them out to any empty area.

For any columns the filter icon is available, allowing you to filter the fields displayed by the required parameters.

Table Report (for solid or parcel)

You may also create Table type report for Solid or for Parcel by choosing required option from Add Report dropdown.

The table types reports consist of two interconnecting tabs: Setup and Table. In the Setup tab you can set all Data fields required to display in the Tables tab.

Drag and drop required fields from the right hand list to the Data Field column or select them from a dropdown as shown below. Any errors related will be displayed in Errors panel below.

After you have populated all Data fields required go to the Table tab and review the results. All columns will be displayed in the same order you set them in the Setup tab.