TS. Map Fields

TS. Map Fields

In the Map Fields step, the user maps the values from the inventory files (from Rapid Reserver and/or .invModel) into the Reserve Database fields. 

Map Fields step overview

Destination Tables

Go through the list of phases and assign each phase to a Destination Table.

Select the destination table for each phase in the list

If you do not wish to import the blocks, set the destination table to "<Skip>".

The levels of the Tables are set in the Create Tables step.

Pay attention to the correct mapping so that you don't assign levels of Pits to the Dumps.

Block Mappings

In the Block Mappings panel, populate Name levels in the Structure section, as well as Misc and other available fields (ie Drilling etc), by dragging and dropping items from the inventory file headers. 

The fields in the left column represent table levels from the ATS, and the columns in the right column represent Rapid Reserver tables.

Resolve all the error messages listed in the bottom panel to proceed with the project setup. More examples of possible error messages see in the last section on this page (Errors Messages).

Number field



The “Number” field under the Name of each mine structure item lets you specify an explicit numeric name mapping for each level (it can be used for specifying Bench RL, for example).

It’s not a mandatory field and can be left blank.

More important recommendations see in the section Common below.

Parcel Mappings

In the Parcel Mappings panel, populate the Mining and other available fields, by dragging and dropping items from the inventory reserves fields.

Sometimes after updating Reserves data and regenerating Reserves model, inventory reserves fields may change. In this case, you’ll need to update parcel fields mappings.

More important recommendations see in the section Common below.

Common tips

  • Block and Parcels mappings can be copied from any row in the left panel (<CTRL+C>) and pasted in the next row (<Ctrl+V>).

  • Once satisfied with Block/Parcel mapping for one stage, you can populate this mapping to the other stages of the same destination table (if the mapping for them is the same) using Copy and Paste buttons in the top right corner.

    • Use <CTRL> and <SHIFT> keys to multi-select stages where you wish to use the same mapping.

  • Block/Parcel mappings can be exported from one project and imported into another, or be kept as a back-up when updating Reserves data using Export Mappings and Import Mappings buttons in the top right corner.


Error Messages

Incorrect block or parcel mapping won’t let you to proceed to the next step. All the errors messages, listed in the bottom panel must be fixed.

Resolve the following error messages:

Invalid Reserves

The block/parcel (OpenPit/M1/P1/S1/712/1/1:w) must have values for volume, dry tonnes, and wet tonnes, or 0s in each.

Locate this block in Rapid Reserver and check the reserves. Chances are that the block model has negative or zero density due to air blocks. To fix use the formulas provided in RR. Block Model Formulas.

Duplicate Blasts

The names of the records were not unique. This is likely due to a mis mapping of record names. Check name: (OpenPit/M1/P1/P101/890/4000).

Create a report in Rapid Reserver and locate the duplicate blocks. You may need to change the level names or the blast names to prevent name collisions.

Mismatching entries

Entry (<Rapid Reserver>/pit2) has field (Mining:ProcessStreams_wet_rail_SubProducts_lump_dryTonnes) with a mapping that is not in the imported file.

Review inventory reserves fields, they can be updated in the re-imported inventory file (ie. different name).