PS Stockpile Opening Values
In the Stockpile Opening Values step user can set the opening inventory and initial state (reclaiming vs building) of the chunks that reside in each stockpile.
Selecting Stockpiles
Select stockpiles from the tree in the left panel. Their reserves will be shown in the table on the right.
Pasting Values
Values can be pasted into a stockpile from Excel using the <Ctrl+V> shortcut keys.
Importing Values
If custom import scripts are loaded, a Scripts button will appear at the top of the stockpiles list.
Calculated Values
If custom calculation scripts are loaded, the blue Refined Values column may show (re)calculated values.
Clearing Values
To clear values from a stockpile:
Select some cells and press the <DELETE> key.
Right-click on a stockpile and select “Reset Node and Children” from the dropdown.
Flag stockpiles and/or chunks to be reclaimed. If you toggle a wrong item, which cannot be reclaimed or not reclaimed it will be shown in red and Error Message will appear, describing the issue. You cannot enable reclaiming of piles with 0 quantity in the Content column.
In the Type column the stockpile types, populated in the Stockpiles step are displayed.
Amount of (wet) tonnes in the selected stockpile or chunk.
The stockpile or chunk capacity thresholds, set in the Stockpile Chunks step. If stockpile or chunk is close to or above this pile capacity, it has to be set to be reclaimed.