RR. Tables

RR. Tables

Each table in the Tables step is an ordered hierarchical address, such as “Mine/Pit/Stage/Bench/Solid/Flitch/Dig”.

Tables define the address system for blasts and blocks

Table Type

A table is either a Pit or a Dump type. This determines whether the solids will be reserved or not.

Pit or Dump selection from the Type dropdown

Table Levels

Click in the Reserves and Dumps tables to see their levels.

Level Names

Level names describe what the level holds, such as the “Mine” level or the “Pit” level.

Level Association

Levels may be associated as “Phase”, “Bench”, “Flitch”, “Blast” or “Dig”. Phase levels act like folders (mine, pit, stage, pushback, …) whereas the “Bench”, “Blast”, “Flitch”, and “Dig” levels refer to specific mining terms.

Each table must have exactly one "Blast" level and exactly one "Bench" level. All other levels (such as "Mine", "Pit", "Stage") are called "Phase levels".

If in the Settings step Enable Dig Plans option is ticked, then one “Dig” or one “Flitch” level are required.

Default Value

Levels will be assigned a default value when they are first created.

Auto Unique

Where a blast is toggled with a flag Auto Unique, the solids will be automatically renumbered to prevent duplicate names.


Select an icon from the dropdown list to represent each level.

For this tutorial, leave the tables with their default setup.