SC. Domain Mappings

SC. Domain Mappings

To generate conformance solids, the software calculates the intersection of a production solid and a schedule solid, then cookie-cuts the results by the boundary polygon of each solid. The resulting volumes are referred to as "conformance domains".

  • Any intersecting volume is "cut in plan".

  • Any production volume outside the schedule boundary is "cut not planned".

  • Any schedule volume outside the production boundary is "planned not cut".

  • Any production volume above or below a schedule solid is "cut late" or "over cut".

  • Any schedule volume above or below a production solid is "cut early" or "under cut".

Different organizations may choose to report these volumes in different buckets, or with different names. The Domain Mappings step allows any conformance domain to be given a reporting name and color to match company standards.

  • Domains may be added or removed from categories by changing the Reporting Name in the table.

  • Upon changing the Reporting Name, check the Legend and assign a standard color to any new categories.

Domain Mappings are displayed on the cross-section diagram

Once you are satisfied, press the blue play button to proceed to the next step.