PS Custom Viewport Shading

PS Custom Viewport Shading

Custom Shading can be configures within the main Database tab.

Instructions to colour the scheduling blocks in a useful and meaningful way see below.

You can select a preconfigured Reserves Shading or create a new one.

Database tab > Reserves Legend > Reserves Shading field dropdown and gear icon for custom configuring

Configuring a New Custom Shading

  1. Navigate to the Database tab.

  2. Open the Reserves Legend panel.

  3. Click on the gear icon on the right of the Reserves Shadings field dropdown.

  4. The Configure Shadings window will open, where you can add/delete/move up and down, as well as import and export shadings.

Configure Shadings window

5. Press the blue plus icon to add a New Shading.

6. Rename it is desired.

7. Select a shading field “Mining_grades_fe“ from the Shading Field dropdown.

8. Set the shading ranges. You have three different ways to do it:

  • Manually enter values into the table.

  • Using Create by Equal Counts button and setting applicable number of intervals - ranges will contain the same number of items.

  • Using Create by Equal Intervals button and setting applicable number of intervals - ranges will be equally divided based upon the lowest and highest values.

9. You can also generate color gradient by pressing Generate Gradient button and choosing Start and Final Colors.

10. Press OK to confirm and return to the main Database viewport.

Using a Preconfigured Reserves Shading

  1. Navigate to the Database tab.

  2. Open the Reserves Legend panel.

  3. Click on the Reserves Shadings field dropdown and select the shading required.