12/6/2021 New 21.1 Release

12/6/2021 New 21.1 Release

12/6/2021 New 21.1 Release

Alastri is pleased to announce the release of v21.1.749.

Alastri Production Scheduler


  • It is now possible to add Title rows that do not have a Caption and have no children in Chrono Reports.

  • New settings have been added in ‘Final Configuration’ for Chrono Reports.

Alastri Tactical Scheduler


  • It is now possible to add Title rows that do not have a Caption and have no children in Chrono Reports.

  • New settings have been added in ‘Haulage Configurations’ for Chrono Reports.

Haul Infinity


  • Added ‘ID’ column in Schedule Auditor Export CSV.

Rapid Reserver

No specific changes for this release

Spatial Conformetrics

No specific changes for this release