20.4 - Early Access Release
Alastri is pleased to announce the release of its latest versions of software.
Alastri Production Scheduler 20.4.x
Major Improvements
Schedule Outputs
Users can now see the layout of the previous schedule run, after making changes to the Gantt.
After moving the sequence, the original location of the sequence, as well as sources and destinations will remain visible
Schedule Invalidation Changes
Now, when making changes to the Gantt, APS will no longer invalidate the entire schedule. It will only invalidate anything from the point in time where the changes have been made.
Part of schedule requiring rerun will show as orange
Blasting Improvements
Users can now manually schedule blasts in a blast window, even if they are not yet available for blasting.
The Blasts row will always display the blasts which are scheduled. After running a schedule the icon on the left will update, indicating if the requested blast was actually completed.
Blast windows can be moved and updated without needing to re-run the schedule. Production Scheduler will attempt to display the blasts that are predicted to be available at the current blast window.
Users can add blasts manually to a blast window.
Blast windows will always display the scheduled blasts. After running the schedule, an icon indicates if the blast was actually completed.
Auto-blast windows update when moved, always displaying currently available blasts.
New Default Gantt Display label options
There are two new default options to choose from when configuring the Gantt display, “<FullNameDefault>” and “<ParcelDefault>”.
Max Agent Rate
It’s now possible to set an Agents Max Rate per sequence in the Gantt. This will override the agent rate values specified in the Calendar.
Max Agent Rate is now available per sequence in the Gantt
Agent Availability and Utilisation
APS allows users to input discrete Work Schedule Delays as well as Time Usage Factors which affect availability, utilisation and rate. See /wiki/spaces/PS20/pages/28836589 for further details.
Truck Assignments
A new setup task “Truck Assignments” has been added.
New “Truck Assignments” setup task
Users can now constrain trucks in three places on the Calendar:
Per “Truck”
Per “Agent”
On “Truck Assignments”
Number of Units can be set per truck
Truck Assignments can now be applied per Agent
Truck Assignments
JIT dependencies in Gantt
It’s now possible to add JiT Destinations from the Gantt by selecting two parcels on the Sources panel.
Add JiT Dependencies from the Gantt
Apply single destinations by material type
New setup task “Single Destinations” allows users to specify a Single Destination Type per parcel.
Set Single Destinations per parcel
Concat Labels in Gantt
It is now possible to concatenate labels in the Gantt through the Display Options configuration.
Concatt Labels
Filter Chrono reports by Blast/Dig Solid text fields
Users now have the ability to filter Chrono reports by Blast/Dig Solid text fields that they have created on the “Fields” setup task.
'Lock or Freeze' Surfaces in Sequence Painter
Users now have the ability to 'Lock or Freeze' Surfaces in Sequence Painter to allow users to choose blocks under a visible surface.
New Report types
New report categories have been added for Stocks (Opening/Closing) and Stockpile States
New Reporting items
New KPIs tab has been added. This tab also includes the previous “Conformance” tab data, as well as new measurable “Stocks” gantt.
Rapid Reserver 20.4.x
Grade Control
Grade Control layout has been consolidated for more ease of use.
New Grade Control setup task layout
Grade Control setup is now all in one dialog.
Strip Renamer
Strip Renamer tool has been added to the Designer viewport tool bar, to allow users to name blasts according to direction and grid size.
Strip Renamer tool is now available in the Designer.
New Block Model slider
Added a second slider for the Block Model which scales block sizes around their centroid.
Depletion Surfaces
Phase import and depletion has been changed. To apply depletion surfaces, import them from layers to the global collection of depletion surfaces. Then each phase can be assigned any of the following:
Upper depletion - remove all material above this surface.
Lower depletion - remove all material below this surface.
Upper RL - remove all material above a fixed Z.
Lower RL - remove all material below a fixed Z.
Depletion Surfaces have moved from Phase Details to the new setup item ‘Depletion Surfaces’.
Excluded Areas
In this step the user can optionally define polygons for each phase. Any material outside of the defined polygons (in the darker area of the viewport) will be removed from the phase.
When the camera orientation is vertical, the phase will be displayed with the depleted solid's vertical thickness indicated according to the position of the slider to the left of the viewport, with a colour for 'zero' thickness, 'above' and 'below' the threshold. The colours can be selected in the panel on the bottom left.
When the camera is not oriented vertically, the phase is displayed as in the Phases step.
Users can exclude material from a phase in the new ‘Excluded Areas’ setup item.
Phase Details
Depletion surface is no longer assigned in Phase Details.
Use ‘Show Depleted Solids’ checkbox to toggle display of original and depleted phase solids in the viewport.
Bench Preconditioning
New viewport toolbar option to trace over existing lines to create a polygon has been added
New option to 'remove' material added to the existing 'send up/down' actions.
Users can customise the colours displayed in the Bench Preconditioning viewport.
Users can now exclude material at the bench level in Bench Preconditioning
Spatial Conformetrics 20.4.x
Import/Export Conformance Report configuration
Users now have the ability to import/export report templates from the Report panel on the Conformance tab.
Haul Infinity 20.4.x
No changes for this release
Alastri Tactical Scheduler 20.4.x
No changes for this release