PS Agent TUM Calculations

PS Agent TUM Calculations

The Alastri Production Scheduler scheduling engine is modelled around instantaneous time, meaning that it is possible to see what a piece of equipment is doing in every instant in time. APS lets users model periods of unproductiveness in two ways, Delays and Availability Types. Each method affects an Agent differently.


Delays are discrete events that can be recurring or a once-off. There are four possible delay states which are summarised in the table below.

Delay State



Delay State



Available & Engine On

Duration of Delay will count towards Available Hours and Engine On Hours

Available & Engine Off

Duration of Delay will count towards Available Hours and Engine Off Hours

Not Available & Engine On

Duration of Delay will count towards Non-Available Hours and Engine On Hours

Not Available & Engine Off

Duration of Delay will count towards Non-Available Hours and Engine Off Hours

Setup > Delays step > configuring delays through “Is Considered Available” flags and “Power Type” dropdown

The order of the delays is important. If there are overlapping delays, then the higher-ranked delay takes precedence and will be reported.

Because a delay has a known start and end time, when an Agent enters a delay, the agent will be unproductive for the duration of the delay. It is important to note that, unlike Availability Types, delays do not impact an Agents Productive Rate.

Agent delays

Availability Types

Availability types are calendar-based time usage factors that affect the productive hours of a piece of an Agent. The factors represent a duration of an Agents time where it is not doing its primary task. Because the start time and end time of these unproductive events are unknown, they all affect some portion of an Agents time and the Agents Productive Rate.

Availability Type


Availability Type


Unplanned Availability (UPA)

Affects the Productive hours and Available hours of an Agent

Use of Availability (UA)

Affects the Productive hours and Engine On hours of an Agent. This should be the percentage of time the equipment could have been used but intentionally was not.

Operator Efficiency (OE)

Affects the Productive hours of an Agent

Productivity Factor (PF)

Affects the Productive hours of an Agent

Note: These factors are applied after work schedule delays are set in the Work Schedule setup step. If an agent has 6 hrs of work schedule delays in a 12 hrs period, then the above factors apply to the remaining 6 hrs of the period.

Loader Availability Types selection dropdown

Effect of Availability types on Agent Rates

Due to APS being based on instantaneous time, it is essential to know the time periods where downtime is occurring. With Availability events, the start time and duration are unknown, which causes complications within the instantaneous time paradigm. The two most logical solutions to model these availabilities within APS are outlined below.

  1. Insert downtime events at random times throughout the schedule:

    • The duration of Availability events would need to be scattered throughout the period.

    • To implement properly would require Monte Carlo Simulation, which APS does not currently support.

Randomly inserted durations of downtime

2. Derate the Agent using the specified Availability factors so that the rate accounts for the periods of downtime. (This is the method that is used within APS)







Calendar Time


12 hours

Unplanned Downtime



Use of Availability



Operator Efficiency



Productivity Factor



Direct Utilisation

Operator Efficiency * Unplanned Downtime * Use of Availability * Productivity Factor

Direct Utilisation may differ from your sites definition of Utilisation.


Nominal Rate

Instantaneous dig rate

3,750 t/hr

Productive Rate

Nominal Rate * Direct Utilisation

2,700 t/hr

Total Mined

Productive Rate * Calendar Time

32,400 t

Derate Agent to account for Availability events


Steady States

When we look at the individual Steady States (Steady States tab) , we can break down how Delays and Availability types are used. When it comes to reporting, report fields relating to TUM are just the aggregation of the individual Steady State fields during the specified time interval.

It is important to know that during a single Steady State, an Agent is either performing an activity or it is in a scheduled delay. Scheduled Delays include “Do Nothing” delays which occur if the agent is idle for any reason other than a specified delay.

Steady State - Mining

Period Inputs


Period Inputs


Unplanned Availability


Use of Availability


Operating Efficiency


Productivity Factor


Steady State Availability Fields



Steady State Availability Fields






Time.Agent Working Calendar Hours

Time.Duration - Delay Duration

2.0 - 0 = 2.0


UPA * UA * OE * PF

90% * 80% * 100% * 100% = 72%

Time.Productive Hours

Agent Working Calendar Hours * Direct Utilisation

2.0 * 72% = 1.44

Time.Engine On Hours

Agent Working Calendar Hours * UPA * UA

2.0 * 90% * 80% = 1.44

Time.Engine Off Hours

Time.Duration - Time.Engine On Hours

2.0 - 1.44 = 0.56

Time.Available Hours

Agent Working Calendar Hours * UPA

2.0 * 90% = 1.8

Time.Unavailable Hours

Time.Duration - Time.AvailableHours

2.0 - 1.8 = 0.2

Agent Nominal Rate

Instantaneous dig rate

3800 t/hr

Agent Productive Rate

Agent Nominal Rate * Agent.Utilisation

3800 * 72% = 2,736 t/hr

Steady State - Mining State

Steady State - Delay Marked as Available

Steady State Availability Fields



Steady State Availability Fields






Time.Agent Working Calendar Hours

Time.Duration - Delay Duration

0.333 - 0.333 = 0




Time.Productive Hours

Agent Working Calendar Hours * Direct Utilisation

0 * 0% = 0

Time.Engine On Hours

Scheduled Delays Marked as Powered.


Time.Engine Off Hours

Time.Duration - Time.Engine On Hours

0.333 - 0 = 0.333

Time.Available Hours

Scheduled Delays Marked as Available


Time.Unavailable Hours

Time.Duration - Time.AvailableHours

0.333 - 0.333 = 0

Agent Nominal Rate



Agent Productive Rate



Steady State - Delay State

Period Reporting

By reviewing an individual Steady State, we can view the TUM metrics occurring at a point in time. Users can report and view period-based TUM metrics by looking in the Calendar or creating an Agents Report.

Calendar Fields

Several calendar fields report period based Availability values for Agents.





Direct Utilisation

UPA * UA * OE * PF

Engine Factor


Agent Working Calendar Hours

Calendar Hours - Scheduled Delays

Available Hours

Agent Working Calendar Hours * UPA + Scheduled Delays Marked as Available

Engine Hours

Agent Working Calendar Hours * UPA * UA + Scheduled Delays Marked as Powered.

Productive Hours

Agent Working Calendar Hours * Direct Utilisation

Period based Availability fields

Calendar Fields also exist, which summarise the Agents rate and the truck assignments over the duration of the period.





Min Rate

The minimum instantaneous dig rate which the Agent operated at during the period.

Max Rate

The maximum productive rate which the Agent operated at during the period.

Average Utilised Rate

Quantity mined divided by the Agent Working Calendar Hours.

Average Calendar Rate

Quantity mined divided by the Period Duration.


The total amount of material mined during the period

Actual Max Instantaneous Trucks

The maximum amount of trucks assigned to the Agent during the period.

Actual TUM Trucks

Truck Productive Hours divided by unit hours.

Agent rates and Truck Assignments based Availability fields

For more information on setting the Сalendar, see PS. Calendar tab section.

Agents Report

In the Reporting tab, users can generate an “Agents” report to report Agent TUM data. Availability fields appear under both the “Agent” and “Time” folder.

Agents Pivot report

For more information on setting the Pivot report, see PS. Pivot Tables section.

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