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4/1/21 - Early Access Release

Alastri is pleased to announce the release of its latest versions of software.

Alastri Production Scheduler 20.5.537


  • Report Formatting

    • Chrono Tables are entirely configurable now. Formatting can be applied to text font, size, style and colour, as well as background colour.

    • Formatting can be copied and pasted around the “Table Setup” as required.

    • Pivot Reports are also fully formattable.

Chrono Tables can be formatted

Pivot reports can also be formatted

  • “Gantt Display Options” changes

    • The “Gantt Display Options dialog” has been updated to show a more streamlined layout.

New “Gantt Display Options” layout

  • Import/Export text layers

    • Users can now import and export layers containing text to and from ArchD and DXF file formats.

    • The text will appear as a separate layer in the Layer Control panel.

Text appears as a separate layer

  • New “Run Period” button

    • APS now contains a “Run Period” button on the “Schedules” tab, alongside “Run Current Scenario” and “Run All Scenarios”.

    • This button will run the next available period, as well as any periods leading up to that point.

New “Run Period” button

  • Visibility of different block boundary lines

    • It is now easier for users to distinguish between dig block boundary lines, grade control block boundary lines and blast boundary lines.

    • The “Display” menu in the “Animation” tab now has options to turn Silhouettes for blasts and grade control on and off.

  • Import MineSight MSR Format

    • It is now possible to import “.msr” files.

    • Polylines and surfaces are supported.

  • Import MineSight Block Models

    • It is now possible to import MineSight block models

    • Standard (non-subblocked) models are supported

  • Import/Export Wavefront OBJ Format

    • It is now possible to import and export Wavefront .obj files.

    • Polylines and surfaces are supported.

  • Stockpile “Force Mode” property

    • Users can now set the “Force Mode” property of a stockpile per period in the “Calendar” tab.

    • This can also be done per mutex set.

Per Stockpile

Per Stockpile Set

  • Script Extensions

    • Non-Spatial Guidance fields can now be created by script.

    • It is now possible to hide calendar rows from a script.

  • “Can Follow Delay” property

    • A new property exists on delays in the Gantt called “Can Follow Delay”. When set to true, all agents following the sequence will also obey any delays.

  • Custom labels can be applied in “Animation”

    • Custom labels are now carried across from the “Database” tab to “Animation”.

    • Custom labels now know about the current agent and current activity (if not the label of an agent, these will be null).

    • You can now choose which label to attach to which agent.

Custom labels can be applied on “Animation”

  • Constrain Trucks by Material

    • On the ‘Final Configuration’ step, users can select a Record Mutex to optionally constrain trucks based on material carried

    • Max instantaneous trucks per material can be configured per period, per agent in the calendar.

    • The instantaneous trucks can be shown on the Trucks graph by choosing an axis via the ‘Show on Graph’ option.

  • Activity Sequences by Record Subset

    • Activity dependencies can now be limited to a subset of records.

    • Each activity dependency can optionally delay on a per record basis by specifying a blast solid field.

  • Auto-match Block Sequences

    • Production Scheduler will detect when the database changes and attempt to update existing Block Sequences.

    • The silhouette of the old record is matched against the increment, and any overlapping records are inserted in their place.

  • Multi-select records in Database

    • With the Visibility Mode set to View Selected, users can multi-select items in the Records tree.

    • This will show a summary of the records in the Data panel, without losing any existing selection state.


  • Truck rate graph

    • Users can now enable a truck graph for each agent in the Gantt

    • This will display the actual number of trucks needed per period

  • Flow Optimisation - stockpiles

    • Stockpiles in Flow Optimisations now show where they can be filled or reclaimed.

  • Flow Optimisation filters

    • Certain flow optimisations can now be applied at the source level. Applies to "Instantaneous Cash Flow", "Instantaneous Max Rate", "Period Grade Target", and " Max Quantity".

    • Certain flow optimisations can now be applied to specific Agents. Applies to "Instantaneous Cash Flow", "Instantaneous Max Rate", and " Max Quantity".

  • Optimisation enhancements

    • Improved the way "Mutex Fill Order Cash" setting works on "Final Configuration" setup task. You can now add the value "-1" to prevent out of order filling.

    • New options have been added to the “Final Configuration” setup task for optimisation of the schedule.

      • Solver: Users can now choose between 3 different solvers in order to calculate their schedule.

      • One Loader per Stockpile: Only allow one loader to operate on a stockpile at a time.

      • Remain On Stockpile Cash: An incentive for a loader to continue depleting the stockpile it is currently on.

      • Disable Simultaneous Build/Reclaim: Will not allow a stockpile to build and reclaim at the same time.

      • Enable Single Chunk Stockpile AutoTurnover: Make it possible to change the state of a stockpile when there is only one chunk remaining, as long as the stockpile is not part of a set.

  • On Bench Dependencies

    • Users can now control the order in which blocks are mined on a bench lift. A new setup task "On Bench" is now available

  • Auto Import Haulage options

    • It is now possible to auto import blocks from Haul Infinity, and assign joins by segment name automatically.

    • New options now exist on the "Final Configuration" setup task, "Use", and "Assign Joins By Segment Name".

    • Users can also set a “Calculation Timeout (s)” on this procedure.

  • New “Shared Agents” feature

    • It is now possible to see what other users are doing with shared agents. A new "Shared Agents" section has been added to the "Final Configuration" setup task.

Shared agents settings in “Final Configuration” setup task

“Shared Agents” panel

  • Memory Increase Before Garbage Collect

    • It is now possible to specify the memory increase before garbage collection is run. A new option "Memory Increase Before Garbage Collect (MB)" has been added to "Final Configuration" setup task.

  • Importing scenarios

    • When importing a scenario on the "Schedule" tab, a new dialog will show the difference in schedule setup.

  • Edit Chrono Times

    • A new button has been added to change the period range of Chrono charts.

  • Gantt label improvements

    • It is now possible to reference a sequence name and or note property when labelling items on the Gantt.

Bug Fixes

  • Stockpile Build reporting

    • Fixed an issue that prevented stockpile build reports from being scripted

  • Improved performance of graphing

    • Changed graph rendering code to be more efficient when scrolling the Gantt, KPI and Destination tabs.

  • Export Gantt as Image missing items

    • Source and destination rows will no longer be randomly blank when exporting the Gantt to an image.

  • Sequence Resize Shortcuts

    • Fixed issue preventing the ‘[' and ']’ shortcut keys from working in the Gantt

  • Graphs not appearing for non-excavator agents

    • Users can now select rate graphs for drills when customising the Gantt display

  • Graphs not updating

    • Fixed issue where graphs did not update until you scrolled over them

  • Improved Calendar input checking

    • Improved calendar’s behaviour when inputting extremely large numbers

  • Stockpile scripting

    • Fixed and issue where “Stockpile Build Settings” were being reset after running a stockpile importer script.

  • Gantt stockpile sequences

    • Fixed an issue where sequences on the Gantt could be added for stockpiles that were not set to reclaim.

Spatial Conformetrics 20.5.537


  • Plan Legend can now be added to Exported Word Document

Plan Legend

Haul Infinity 20.5.537


  • Additional columns added to CSV exports

    • New fields are present in “Cycle Times” and “Schedule Audit” CSV exports to specify Volume, Truck Hours and Loader Hours.

Bug Fixes

  • CSV exports

    • Fixed an issue where incorrect units were showing in the exported CSV for some fields

  • Excluded Blocks

    • Fixed an issue where excluded blocks were appearing after importing an RR inventory model.

Alastri Tactical Scheduler 20.5.537

Bug Fixes

  • Selected Calendar Dashboard saved with project

    • The calendar now saves the last selected dashboard and restores it when reloading the project.

Rapid Reserver 20.5.537

Bug Fixes

  • Exit crash

    • Fixed an issue where RR would crash when the viewport was in a state (e.g. drawing a line) and the app was closed (File > Exit).

  • No labels