Tip |
By default, below the Viewport you will find a panel of tabs that are used to interact with the transport network and analyse cycle times. |
You can change the location of these tabs by dragging them to any convenient place.
This section uses the default display order of these tabs in the current to-date version of Haul Infinity.
Table of Contents | ||||
Properties tab
Use the bulb icon
to show or hide labels in the viewport.
The Name column contains a list of transport network objects: Nodes, Segments, Joins. This list is not editable.
The Text column contains the label text. The default is <name>.
Select the desired font, size, position (top, middle, bottom), fore and background colors of the label.
If required, you can change the X and Y of the label.
In the Display tab, you can also configure the display settings for all Entities of the transport network.
To customise and facilitate working with your transport network:
select which entities, you wish to display in the viewport by toggling the bulb icon
change the entity size;
change the entity color.
Color configuration
Click the color selection button to display the color palette and opacity level.
Select the color and adjust its settings to your preference.
View the resulting color in the Sample field.
You can also enter numerical values for color hue (Hue), Saturation (Sat), Brightness (Bright), Transparency (Opacity) or specify a color number in the palette (#).
Use the Make Web-Safe button to assign a web-safe color to the image.
Press OK to finish.
Properties tab provides information about the selected network object(s).
A more detailed explanation on this tab can be found here.
Error List tab
Tip |
The Error List tab provides a list of errors and warnings. Review and resolve errors in your transport network. |
When making changes to the network, you should always keep the Error List open.
Error List also now provides a warning on the tab to show users potential network issues without opening the tab.
Double click to zoom to and select erroneous objects.
Some errors can be reported twice - like isolated node and unsnapped point.
Note that all isolated blocks must be connected to the network, otherwise you won’t be able to proceed to the scheduling.
Use automatic error correction feature (Autofix) with caution, so that you don't get unexpected outcomes.
Similarly with the Hide feature - make sure that you do not hide critical errors.
Some warnings won't show up in the Error panel: zero tons bucket, zero tons tray, no road connection between source and destination
See the section HI. Error List Resolution for examples of possible errors and ways to resolve them.
Error thresholds can be changed.
To do this, open the Project Settings window (via the dropdown of the Tools button) and flag the boxes for the types of errors that should be displayed in your project and the thresholds for the applicable parameters.
Grid tab
Tip |
The Grid tab is used to review and change the properties of the selected transport network objects. |
In this panel, you can view information for each of the selected items.
From the Selection field dropdown, select an item which properties you wish to display. It can be:
Data displayed in the Grid panel change depending on the selected network items, as shown in the table below.
Select node(s) from the Nodes tree, or find them in the network.
Use the Node Type field dropdown to change type of the selected node, ie:
In the Name field review/change the node name according to the naming convention rule.
Review/change X, Y, and Z coordinates of the node(s).
The DataSource and UID fields are locked from editing in this panel.
If required, you can change time in seconds that truck is waiting at dump (SpotAtDumpSeconds).
Unlike to the Properties panel, which displays "multiple values" when selecting more than one node, the Grid panel will list information for each of them.
Select network segment(s).
The name of the segment can be changed as required.
Flag the TrolleyAssist checkbox if a trolley drive is used on this segment.
Flag the SingleLane checkbox if the segment uses a single lane for hauling.
Review and, if necessary, change the Rolling Resistance value in the Rolling Resistance field.
Review and, if necessary, change the MaxSpeed, FinalSpeed and StopWaitTime values. More details about them see in the HI. Speed Limits and Traffic Rules section.
In the Distance column, see each segment length (cannot be edited).
Review the Gradient related metrics:
Grade Percentage,
Grade Ratio,
Grade Inverted Ratio,
Grade Degree,
Grade Radian.
Tick the flags applicable for the road.
BasicPoint is a minimum base point of the haul network.
When you select basic points, the Grid table displays their X, Y, and Z coordinates.
Unlike to the Properties panel, which displays "multiple values" when selecting more than one point, the Grid panel will list information for each of them.
Review the information for the selected blocks, such as:
Number of Auto Joins,
Number of Manual Joins,
Block geometry: Top, Bottom, Height, Travel RL, PathFinding RL.
❗ Note that Travel RL and PathFinding RL may differ.
Travel RL is the top/bottom height of a block,
Pathfinding RL is the height used by joins when joining to the bench. Use the PathFindingRL to diagnose auto join issues related to the segment not being at the same height as the RL
Unlike to the Properties panel, which displays "multiple values" when selecting more than one block, the Grid panel will list information for each of them.
Find and Replace tool
A useful feature of the Grid panel is the Find and Replace function, which allows you to find and replace the applicable information. It can be used, for example, when names used in different tabs of the project do not match.
To use this function:
Select the records you wish to change (use the <CTRL> and <SHIFT> keys to select multiple).
Right-click and select "Find and Replace".
In the Find & Replace window that opens enter the name you need to replace (Find field) and the new one (Replace field).
In the Search Scope field select extent of the search: in Selected Text or in Entire Document.
Click Replace All to apply the changes.
Segments tab
Tip |
The Segments tab is used to present detailed information on the selected network segments. |
The data in the Segments panel is only displayed when a haul route is selected in the Viewport.
Select the haul route for which you wish to display the segments data from the network viewport or from the History panel on the left.
The data for each segment of this route will be shown for the Truck, Loader, Material and Operating Conditions selected in the Route Selections panel.
Double-click on a segment from the list to zoom to it in the viewport. A large green arrow will point to the selected segment.
Alternatively, you can select a segment from the list and press the green arrow button to jump to it in the Viewport.
Segments data can be reviewed and exported form this tab, but not available for editing.
Segments data are split into Loaded and Unloaded.
You can review Spotting, Queuing, Loading and Dumping times for each state (loaded and unloaded).
Check the Subtotal to see the sum of each parameter.
Truck Times tab
Tip |
The Truck Times tab presents a stacked bar graph of the cycle time. Use this tab to compare the performance of two or more truck types. |
The data in the Truck Times panel is only displayed when a haul route is selected in the Viewport.
Select the haul route for which you wish to display truck times from the network viewport or from the History panel on the left.
The data for each truck time will be shown for the Material, Loader and Operating Conditions selected in the Route Selections panel.
Unflag the Include Fixed Time checkbox if you don’t want to display non-productive truck times on the graph, ie:
Queue time, Load Time, Spot at Loader Time, Spot at Dump Time, Dump Time, TKPH Delay Time, Recharge Time, and Recharge Travel Time.
Flag the Show Chart Waypoint Breakdown checkbox to breakdown the graphs by waypoints (if any).
each truck’s graph will be split into part To and From the WayPoint, where numbers on the Legend represent Source and Destination blocks numbers.
Hover the mouse cursor over the required truck graph to display the applicable cycle time values.
Cycle Time Analysis tab
Tip |
The Cycle Time Analysis tab displays the key performance indicators for the active haul. Use this tab to compare fleet sizes, cycle times, fuel burn, TKPH values, productivity rates and delays. |
The data in the Cycle Time Analysis panel is only displayed when a haul route is selected in the Viewport.
In the Cycle Time Analysis panel on the left see a detailed analysis of time cycles, applicable to the Loader, Truck, Material and Operation Conditions, selected in the Route Selection panel.
The Cycle Time Breakdown panel on the right displays the ring chart of cycle time breakdown into the intervals listed in the legend. Toggle the percent icon in the top left corner to switch units from minutes to percent.
Schedule Auditor tab
Tip |
The Schedule Auditor tab is a planning tool used to generate bulk haulage calculations across the entire schedule. |
To use this feature, you must supply an existing schedule that specifies sources, destinations, loaders, trucks, and materials moved.
Haul Infinity will then generate the full cycle time breakdown and 3D haul strings for each schedule record. This can be used to estimate truck fleet mobilisation and utilisation over time.
Import Schedule from the Scheduler or CSV file, following the instructions below or in the section HI. Process a Schedule.
Double click any line in the list to animate the selected haul in the viewport.
Use the arrow keys to move forward and backward through the imported schedule; this lets us inspect the haulage solutions provided by Haul Infinity and make any functional changes to the network as required.
Flag Zoom on Select to zoom to the selected haul in the Viewport.
Importing Schedule from Scheduler
If you are using Haul Infinity within the Scheduler (ATS or APS), you can import a schedule directly.
In Alastri Tactical/Production Scheduler:
Run all the Setup Tasks.
In the Schedule tab, run Scenario or Full Schedule.
In Haul Infinity:
In the top tab bar locate the Scheduler tab.
Select “Import from Scheduler”.
Imported strings will be displayed as a list in the Scheduler Auditor tab.
Double click any line in the list to animate the haul in the viewport.
Importing Schedule from CSV
To import scheduling transactions from CSV file:
In the Schedule Auditor tab click the Import Schedule button.
Select a CSV file which contains the schedule to be imported.
Click the blue plus icon to create a new CSV mapping template.
Drag and drop the CSV column headers to the corresponding schedule field. The ID and Flag fields can be left blank.
Exporting Schedule
More detailed description of the importing functionality, as well as examples of its use, see here.
Exporting Schedule
Once you have audited the schedule to your satisfaction, the calculated results can be exported for use in cost modelling and fleet selection.
For a detailed description of this tab, as well as examples of its use, see here.
Multiple Screens
For easier viewing, panels and tabs can be dragged out of Haul Infinity and onto a second screen.
To support multiple screens:
Go to the Network tab.
Select and drag the Cycle Time Analysis tab onto a new screen.
Select and drag the Charts tab onto a new screen.
To dock the tabs, double click on the header bar.