RR Introduction

RR Introduction

Rapid Reserver creates blast masters, dig floors, grade control blocks and scheduling blocks for the entire mining technical services team. It works by drawing lines to cut solids, so that mining blocks are automatically closed, validated and adjoined to their neighbours.

Solids, blast boundaries and reserves are dynamically displayed and can be exported to any mine design software, scheduler or fleet management system.


Mining Terms


The height of the bench, flitch, cut or lift.

Block model

Reserves file


Classification of materials in the reserves file.

Block solid

3D object

Mining solid

3D object with either regular or irregular outline representing an area of cut or fill within an increment of a phase.

Blast solid

A mining solid with an irregular outline

Regular solid

A mining solid with a rectangular outline

Composite solid

3D volume delineated by constraints


Master solid to be sub-divided into increments and mining solids.


A surface, solid or polygon used to delineate a composite solid.

User Interface

Design window

The main 3D design area in the Designer tab


Any 3D visualisation area


Tabbed working area


Interactive frame within a tab


A new window that opens to enter information


A dropdown box that lets you choose from a list

Icon / Button

A button that can be pressed


A box that can be ticked on or off