TS Loader Types

TS Loader Types

Every project must have at least one loader type, which is used to calculate cycle times and production rates. 

Loader Types step overview

To add a loader type:

  1. Go to Haul Infinity > Loaders step.

    1. Find or import a loader, example CAT994.

    2. Remove any spaces from the loader name (if any). 

  2. Go to the Setup tab in ATS > Loader Types step.

    1. Press the green plus icon to add a new loader.

    2. Rename it to match the Haul Infinity name.

  • Column Availability Types to Specify is used to convert calendar time to engine hours and direct scheduling hours.

  • Column Loader Cycle Time Factor Field is used to factor the loader rate by a value from the block model. 

  • Flag in Adjust Loader Cycle Time Factor by Time column introduces a new row in the calendar, to factor the loader rate by period.

  • In column Loadable Trucks specify which trucks to be loaded by the selected loader type.

  • Flag in Use as Agent column creates a 1:1 mapping between an Agent and a Loader. Refer to TS. Haul Infinity Inputs for more information.

  • For information on the Enforce Matched Rates option, see TS. Production Rates.

Loader definitions must be present in Haul Infinity in order for the Scheduler to reference them.