PS. Export Polygons for All Periods

PS. Export Polygons for All Periods

Alastri Production Scheduler of release versions newer than v1.8 version release now lets users export polygons as a simple way to show where mining or dumping has been scheduled. This exporter creates a ".zip" file with two files for every scheduled period:

  1. EndP***: Files starting with "EndP" and the period number include polygons representing all blocks that have changed in volume (due to mining or dumping) in that period.

  2. CumEndP***: Short for "Cumulative End Period", these are the same as their corresponding "EndP***" file, but also include polygons from all previous periods. For example, "CumEndP003" will include polygons representing all blocks partially mined or dumped in periods 1, 2 and 3.

Finally, since they are 2D representations of a 3D object, users can choose where they are stored in 3D space – at the top RL of their corresponding bench, or the bottom RL.

Each file will automatically be given a name that includes the period number it represents. Files beginning with "EndP" include polygons mined or dumped in that period. Files beginning with "CumEndP" include the cumulative changes from previous periods. If "Include Period Name" is checked, the period name will also be included in the file name.

To export Polygons for All Periods

  1. Go to the Schedule tab.

  2. Run the schedule.

  3. Go to the Animation tab > Animation panel.

  4. Press the Exports button on the left of the Animation panel.

  5. Choose "Export Period Polygons" from the dropdown list.

Animation tab > Animation panel > Exports button > Polygons for All Periods export option

After specifying export location, the following dialog appears. Populate all the information required and press OK to complete your Polygons export.

Export Period Polygons dialog

Export Period Polygons dialog

Block Records

Flag records/levels to include in export.

File Format

Select file export format: *.arch_d, *.str, *.dxf, *.obj, *.shp.

Export Type

Select from:

  • Single period: the output from the settings you have selected will be a file for each period, where any mining activity is carried out. Each period's file will contain separate polygons for each block worked on during that period.

  • Cumulative: the output from the settings you have selected will be a file for each period, where any mining activity is carried out.  Each period's file will contain separate polygons for each block worked in that period or any preceding period. NOTE: This is a slow export that will result in a large file size because the same solid may appear in many period's folders.

Method Type

Select from:

  • Separate: each period's file will contain separate polygons for each block worked on during that period.

  • Merged: each period’s file will contain polygons which represent the union of the polygons at each common RL for each block worked on during that period.

Note: If Merged type is selected, since multiple blocks may be represented by a single polygon, polygons can no longer be named after their corresponding block when merging.

Pit RL/Dump RL

Polygons can be exported at the top or bottom of their bench, with separate options for pit polygons and dump polygons.

Include Period Name

Flag to include the period name in the exported file name.


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