HI. Truck Limits
In the Limits step set the safe operating limits by truck type.
General Properties
TKPH Limits
Haul Infinity automatically adds TKPH delays to cycle times to keep tyres below the TKPH limit.
TKPH limits can be found in the tyre manufacturer’s handbook.
Michelin provides a temperature coefficient for calculating TKPH at different temperatures. This coefficient can sometimes be negative if the average haul speed is below 5 kilometers per hour. Essentially this means that there are no TKPH delays.
Haul Infinity calculates TKPH for every possible source and destination and then matches that with the limit set in this setup task. If the vehicle's calculated TKPH is greater than the TKPH limit for a haul in that period, then it will introduce delays (or it will slow down the truck to match the TKPH limit).
Speed Limits
Select applicable limit type from the Speed Limit dropdown.
Cornering Speed
Used to slow down trucks at intersections and switchbacks. Corners are measured by the angle of deflection and the lookahead distance.
Haul Infinity automatically assigns speed limits to corners based on the inputs in this table.
For angles greater than ninety degrees, consider dropping the speed limit to 10 km/hr.
Cornering measures deflection rather than radius, because we are dealing with digitized points.
Grade Speed
Default speed limits that apply on all unsigned roads.
A truck is never allowed to exceed its loaded or unloaded speed limits.
Haul Infinity will always choose the lowest speed between the defaults and road signage.
Importing / Exporting Speed Limits
Speed Limits range can be exported and imported for the selected truck.
Show Points
Toggle to display points on the speed limits curves.
Bulk editing
Select multiple trucks for comparison and bulk updating of values.
If deflection/grade range doesn’t match across selected trucks, some inputs will appear grey.