HI. Create Block .zip File

HI. Create Block .zip File

If you are using Rapid Reserver, import the blocks directly from the native formats. Otherwise, you can create your own ".block3D" and ".zip" files.

In Rapid Reserver

In Rapid Reserver go to Data > Export > Blocks to zip and export the blocks. Make sure that the appropriate level names have been set so that the tree displays correctly in Haul Infinity. 

Haul Infinity

Haul Infinity reads the block information from a block3D file and an associated folder of 3D objects. 

BEGIN Reserves\Mine1\Pit1\Stage1\40\1\1\00001,.\3Ds\Reserves_Mine1_Pit1_Stage1_40_1_1_00001.00t Reserves\Mine1\Pit1\Stage1\40\1\1\00002,.\3Ds\Reserves_Mine1_Pit1_Stage1_40_1_1_00002.00t Reserves\Mine1\Pit1\Stage1\40\1\1\00003,.\3Ds\Reserves_Mine1_Pit1_Stage1_40_1_1_00003.00t Reserves\Mine1\Pit1\Stage1\40\1\1\00004,.\3Ds\Reserves_Mine1_Pit1_Stage1_40_1_1_00004.00t Reserves\Mine1\Pit1\Stage1\40\1\1\00005,.\3Ds\Reserves_Mine1_Pit1_Stage1_40_1_1_00005.00t

Each row in the ".block3D" file is a single block record. The first part of the line is the tree structure, delimited by backslashes. After the comma separator, the second part of the line is the subfolder location of the 3D solid files. 

  • The index file must be named exactly "blocks.block3d".

  • Make sure there is no comma after "BEGIN".

  • Make sure there is no comma at the end of any line.

Creating your own zip file for import

  1. Paste a list of solid names in Excel column "B".

  2. Append the solid names with ".\3Ds\".

  3. Append the solid names with the file extension, such as ".00t".

  4. Write a logical formula to create the tree structure in column "A".

  5. Insert a line at the top and enter "BEGIN" into cell "A1".

  6. Save as a CSV file.

  7. Rename to a "block3D" file.

  8. Create a folder named "3Ds" in the same location.

  9. Copy the 3D solid files into the 3Ds folder.

  10. Select the block3D file and the 3Ds folder and zip them together.

In Haul Infinity

  1. Navigate to the Network tab.

  2. Select Import > Scheduling Blocks from Block2D/Block3D/ZIP.

  3. Import ZIP.

  4. In the Setup Blocks dialog press OK.

    1. If you need to make any changes to the Travel Level in Tree, Travel Alignment or Block Type, you can do it at any time using Configure Blocks (cog) button at the top right of the Blocks tab.

5. You will see imported blocks in the Blocks panel as Isolated (marked red), but you may not see them in the viewport. To fix, start drawing a network, for example:

  • Press Top on the compass.

  • Draw any road segment.

    • Insert one point, snapping to Plane (E).

    • Press <CTRL> and click anywhere to insert second point.

  • Now you should see your imported blocks.


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