PS. Other Gantt tab items

PS. Other Gantt tab items

In addition to the main components described before, the Gantt tab also contains the Toolbar and the Undo and Legend tabs, which were not covered above.


The toolbar for working with the Gantt chart is located above the main chart area and consists of the buttons described below.





Display options button. Contains a dropdown, where you can select existing display templates or set up new ones.

  • Configure Gantt Settings option: opens the Configure Gantt Display Options window, where you can customize the display options for the elements in the chart, i.e. toggling display settings boxes, assigning labels and shadings templates, setting different font sizes, and editing the visibility of Agent and Activities rows to be presented in the canvas.

  • Configure Global Display Options option: opens the Configure Display Options window with Labels, Shadings and Destination Charts tabs, where you can edit Gantt items display, namely: create/save/import/delete/move up and down custom templates of labels/shadings/charts, and work with them.


Undo <CTRL + Z> and Redo <CTRL + Y> buttons, used to undo the last action or restore it.

Navigate to Beginning (Home) or to End (End) buttons. Use in conjunction with the <SHIFT> key to move to the previous or next state, respectively.


Jump to slider button. Use if you "lost" the slider, or want to center it in the viewport.

Export Image button. Opens the Print Configuration dialog where you can specify the boundaries of the saved view (desired start and end dates) and the Image Width.

Specify a saving path. The selected Gantt section will be saved in “.png” file format.

Keep Slider Focused button and scaling/zooming bar.

Undo tab

The Undo tab is located in the bottom right corner of a screen, next to the Properties and Legend tabs.

The Undo tab lists the most recently performed actions since the chart was initialized. You can return to any of the actions listed in this tab, which cancels subsequent actions.

Undone actions are not deleted from the list, you can always return to any of them within one work session.

To move through Undo tab list you can:

  • use Undo and Redo buttons (blue arrows) from the toolbar,

  • use hotkeys <CTRL+Z> to cancel an action and <CTRL+Y> to restore it,

  • left click on the row required - downstream actions will be undone.

Legend tab

The Legend tab is located in the bottom right corner of a screen, next to the Properties and Undo tabs.

  • The top part of the Legend tab displays the colors, assigned to the task bars during custom shadings setting (more details see here).

  • The bottom part of the Legend tab displays the hatch patterns, visually identifying types and positions of different delays in the Gantt.

Note, that the Legend tab lists only custom defined colors, automatic shadings do not appear in this legend.