Export Cycle Times to Lookup Table

Export Cycle Times to Lookup Table

A complete table of network connections can be exported through Export > Cycle Times to CSV. This will create a lookup table of every possible permutation of source, destination, truck, loader and material. The complete lookup table can number in the tens of thousands of rows.

You might choose to do this when evaluating multiple scenarios, so you don't have to process each schedule one by one in Haul Infinity, or when generating dispatch tables for your fleet management database.

To export the complete network, follow the steps below:

Cycle Time to CSV export option
  1. Go to the Network tab.

  2. Go to Export > Cycle Times to CSV.

Export Cycle times to CSV Wizard

4. In Export Wizard window select Destination file(a) for the export. You can choose file from a list or create a new one.

5. In Select Material Types window select which material types to include in cycle time calculations.

6. Click NEXT.

7. Select Blocks and press NEXT to continue.

8. Select which operating conditions to include in the cycle time export.

9. Click NEXT.

10. Select which loaders to include when exporting cycle times and click NEXT to continue.

11. Select trucks from the list. Note, that if you don’t select any trucks, then travel times won’t be calculated (shortest routes only).

12. Configure flags. Choose which flag states to calculate routes for.

13. Select Nodes to be exported and click NEXT to continue.

14. Wait for the export to complete and click FINISH to exit the Wizard. This will generate a haul for every single combination of material, operating condition, loader, truck and flag between every source and every destination.

The size of the export file increases exponentially with the number of blocks selected. For large models, use the Schedule Auditor.

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