UI Bottom Control panel

UI Bottom Control panel

The components of the bottom control panel vary from application to application, but most of them contain a Status Bar (coordinates) and a button to Manage Viewpoints. Some Tactical Scheduler and Rapid Reserver tabs also have a Legend button provided on this bottom toolbar, while others have the legend organized in separate tabs and with more functionality.

Bottom Control Panel

Status Bar

The status bar display information for the current mouse location. It includes coordinates and the full name of the level record. The information displayed changes as you move the mouse cursor.

Mouse coordinates | Record name | Label text

Manage Viewpoints button

Click Manage Viewpoints button to open the Viewpoints dialog, where you can add a new viewpoint, delete one or few of them, move viewpoints up and down in the list, update, or take a screenshot with the selected resolution.

Saved viewpoints can be useful for navigation and reporting.

  1. Click the Manage Viewpoints button at the bottom right of the viewport.

  2. Create a new view by clicking the blue plus icon and rename it according to the object displayed in the viewport.

  3. If you have more than one view, you can move them up and down in the list using the blue arrow buttons.

  4. To activate the selected view, click the green arrow icon. The active view will be highlighted in green.

  5. You can return to the viewport at any time and change the view/location of the object, and then save the changes you made to the viewpoint by clicking the Update Viewpoint button (the up arrowed sphere icon).

  6. The Viewpoint window also includes a screenshot button with the selection of resolutions available. For more information about the screenshot, see here.


The Legend button, which is displayed in the bottom Control Panel, is used solely to display the specified Reserves and Dumps shadings or Blast shadings and hatchings, and has no editing function.

In other tabs and applications, the color legend can be featured by separate tabs with the function to edit and create new shadings for individual elements. See here for more details on custom shadings.