TS. Choose Data Sources

TS. Choose Data Sources


The Choose Data Sources step allows the user to import to the ATS scheduling inventory relevant 3D block solids from Rapid Reserver in the ".invModel" file format.

The ".invModel" is a native export format from Rapid Reserver, which is the recommended mechanism for creation of reserves data.

Reserves can be embedded in the project, imported from external data sources, or both.

Embedded Reserves

Using embedded reserves

  1. In Tactical Scheduler > Setup tab > Configuration Options step > enable Embed Rapid Reserver flag.

  2. Rapid Reserver tab > File > Open > “.rara” file.

  3. Confirm all the Setup steps and wait for reserves to finish calculating in the Designer tab.

  4. Embedded reserves are shown as bold blue text.

  5. Proceed with your project setup.

Embedded reserves as shown in blue bold

Imported Reserves

Importing reserves from Rapid Reserver

  1. Go to Rapid Reserver > Designer tab > Export button > “From Project” > Alastri Inventory Model > save “blocks.invModel” file.

Exporting .invModel file from Rapid Reserver

2. Go to Tactical Scheduler > Setup tab > Configuration Options step > enable Do not Embed Rapid Reserver flag.

3. In Tactical Scheduler > Setup tab > Choose Data Sources step > green plus icon > import “blocks.invModel” file.

After updating reserves data, always re-import Inventory model to update blocks, instead of deleting it and adding new one. Otherwise, you’ll need to update all the mappings for each stage in the subsequent steps.


Projects with Rapid Reserver embedded can also have “.invModel” files imported.


Each Data source item has a Name, File Path, Last Modified, Ignore Digs and Re-Import fields.

  • Press the green plus icon to import.

  • Press the red minus icon to remove.

  • Click the blue arrow in Re-Import column to automatically refresh “.InvModel” file with latest changes.