TS. Schedule Logic

TS. Schedule Logic


Schedule logic defines the relationships between different project activities. 

Main parts of the project scheduling logic are listed below. Navigate through the sections below to get more detailed information.


After importing new blocks to the project, review the scheduling logic for any necessary changes.

Scheduling Mode

The scheduling engine in ATS can be run in two modes:

  • Constrain on Trucks uses the fleet numbers to calculate material movement.

  • Optimise Products uses material movement to calculate fleet numbers.

Truck Constrained mode requires attention to the following Setup tasks and Calendar values:

Optimise Products mode requires attention to the following Setup tasks and Calendar values:

Truck Constrained mode requires attention to the following Setup tasks and Calendar values:

Optimise Products mode requires attention to the following Setup tasks and Calendar values:

Destination Logic

Truck Constrained mode has no optimisation, that is no grade targets for making blend. It is totally driven by the user to achieve the correct blend. Therefore, in the Destination Logic, the Destination of each parcel is predefined and requires no software logic to determine the best destination to achieve the set grades or blends.

List Destinations in a specific order rather than in one row. For example,

Destination Logic

Waste and Crusher Feed rules tell the engine where to apply product handling optimisation.

When using Optimise Products, the material you mine in the period does not get sent to a Destination until the end of the Period, it is at this point the software looks at what you have mined in the Period, excluding waste, to determine the best Destination for the material you have mined to achieve your desired Grade Targets or Blends.

All Crusher Feed destinations can only be listed on one row, the Product Specifications rules (Cash Flows, Grade Targets and Blend targets) will determine, which of the Destinations the Material will be sent to. That is, the material could go to the Crusher or the ROM at the end of the Period.

1: {Crusher}

2: {ROM1}

3: {ROM2}

In this case, the Agent will try to send material to the Crusher first, if the Crusher is not available, then it goes to ROM1, if ROM1 is not available, then it goes to ROM2.

Equipment Numbers

Loader, truck and fleet allocations must be updated in the Calendar.


Constraints tell the agents how much to mine, and how much equipment to use.

Reclaim Targets

Stockpile reclaim targets must be updated in the Calendar.

Product Specifications

Product rules determine the flow of material to meet blending and grade targets.

Optimise Products is the preferred option, because rehandle and blending can be auto generated as a function of ex-pit movement. When constraining by trucks, the rehandle and blending must be manually specified as calendar inputs.


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