TS. Incentives & Priorities

TS. Incentives & Priorities

Agents pick blocks during the period according to the weighting of their Incentives and Priorities. 

Shortest Cycle time is an internal weighting that will rank the blocks for mining, the user can specify extra incentives to fulfill their mining requirements.

Each new incentive adds rows to the Calendar to weight the ranking of blocks by the Agent. 

Incentives rows in the Calendar and Calendar weightings of Incentives by Agent

Fixed Incentives

In the absence of all other incentives, the truck travel time is considered when choosing between two equally ranked blocks. The Agent chooses the closest block to the ramp toe.

Default Incentives 

Default incentives are automatically included in the Calendar for every Agent. 

  • Finish Block provides a weighting to finish the currently active block.

  • Proximity Weight favours a shorter tramming distance between one block and the next. 

  • Prefer Higher Benches favours full bench turnover. 

  • Prefer Lower Benches favours terracing.


Example usage:

  1. Specify a tonnage сonstraint at the Mine level. 

  2. Specify an Attractiveness at the Pit level (for example, to prioritise Pit1 over Pit2). It will generate a row in the Calendar, to which we can assign a weighting that will be used to ranks the available blocks.

  3. During scheduling, the Agent follows the weighted Pit incentives inside the assigned Mine.

Seek Parcels

Parcel incentives listed under Schedule > Calendar > Agents, cause certain material types to be ranked higher by the Agent. 

Example usage: 

  • Incentivising an Agent to give a higher ranking to blocks with High Grade over Other Materials.

  • Incentivising the Prestrip Agent to mine waste.

  • Add an incentive to mine Ore to fill the Crusher/Stockpiles, or to mine Waste in certain periods if enough Ore stockpiled and you wish to encourage the optimiser to mine more Waste for development.

Seek Grades

Grade incentives are listed under Schedule > Calendar > Agents, and cause certain material qualities to be ranked higher by the Agent. 

Example usage: incentivising an OreMiner Agent to balance ex-pit grades.

Priority Sequence

Priority incentives are configured under Schedule > Animation > Priority Incentives. They can be used to directly paint a preferred mining sequence over the available blocks.

Once Priority Incentive is added in the Incentives setup step, you can configure it in the Schedule > Animation tab > hidden Priority Incentives panel.

Example usage: forcing the Agent to campaign an area in a certain sequence.

More details see in the section TS. Animation tab > Priority Incentives.

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